If I let it out I don't know what I'll do

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“Ben, get your hairy arse out of bed and onto the stage, we have a fucking show to play.” Screamed a rough, surprisingly sober Danny from behind the curtain.

“Oh, only because you want me after the show, babe.”

“No, but to be honest the show would be pretty fucking bad without you.”

“I know, I'm the looks of us all.”

“You can say that one again, girlie, now get out and ready we're going to kick arse on stage tonight!”

He clambered stealthily from my side, which is when I notice he is only in boxers. A cheeky grin spreads over his face as he pulls on some skinny black jeans, with the usual rips lining them. Yeah, he may be feminine, but he is mine and I loved him. His legs showed his slightly ridiculous, but gorgeous smiley face tattoos. I knew he'd regret them after he got them done, but he hasn't shown he cared yet.

Quietly, he winked at me from outside the curtain before Ben pulled on his black kid rock tank top and blew me a kiss. Oh my lovely crazy haired guy. Ben pranced away, hand in hand with Danny, to the kitchen. Good,I think to myself, I really need to move. I gracefully jump out of the bed, shooting Danny a mock jealous look and scamper to the mirror in the tiled tour bathroom.

A small layer of grim covered the mirror, and practically everywhere else in the small, cramped room. My hair, although brushed in the morning, stood in peculiar spikes and tufts. After retrieving my brush from my suitcase I managed to find somehow since Ben moved it, I smoothed my hair out into its determines style. Some parts still flicked out but to my guess it was as quirky as me and I could at least live with that. I pulled out my mascara and eye liner, which I had collected along with my brush, and started to repair my damaged make up. Applying my mascara liberally, and slowly attempting to recreate my winged eye liner effect.

“Oh, I didn't know you where in here.” I heard huskily from behind. My heart stopped and my eye liner dropped into my sink basin, too startled to turn around.

“Uhh, uhh hey.” I spoke quietly, staring into the dirt smeared mirror, or more accurately, the reflection of a shirtless, slightly drunk drummer staring at me.

“It's nice you're back, Melissa. We all missed you.”

“Yeah... Urrmm thanks James, I missed you all too, it was odd without you lot.” James gave an awkward laugh and turned his head to the floor for a second. “James, I'm like trying to get ready, you know, so I can see your show...”

“No, it is okay, I just want to talk, I'm not going to stop you, carry on, love.” Somehow he sounded nervous calling me love. It seemed so odd, I mean these guys are from the north, they call everyone Love.

“Oh okay, James, can you keep a secret for me?”

“Sure.. for you.”

“Okay... I don't know how to say this... but I'm worried Ben's cheating on me, and I don't know what I would do if he is. Today he seemed so happy, but every time he kissed me all I could think of was who else they had touched recently. I am so scared James, I love him, seriously with everything, but if he's straying I don't know how I'd cope. He told me he had changed but now I'm just not so sure. James what am I-”

“Hey, look, hun, it'll be okay between you two. I don't know if he's strayed or not, but for most guys it'd be hard not to on tour with so many guys after them. Especially if he got drunk. I know if I ever had someone I loved though I would stop myself drinking just to make sure I never cheated, and god is he lucky to get you. You will be okay, I know you two. You've been through thick and thin.”

“James, maybe me being here isn't the best idea.”

“Don't think like that. Things will get better, and I need you here as much as everyone else.”

Tears spilt from my freshly made up eyes, smearing blackness down my usually pale but now reddened face. A pair of comforting, bare and tattooed arms folded around me, and pulled my head gently towards their chest.

“Shush, quieten down, love, it'll all be okay.” He hushed into my hair, pulling me closer still as salt water blurred my black stained face. The barriers had broken, for the 4th time in 2 days, and I was debating on slumping in the corner. James rocked back and forth slowly, lulling me into calm, his soothing, but accented voice helping further.

The voices from the lounge disappeared and the door of the bus slammed shut, shaking everything slightly. After a few more still, happy moments we parted, my head still heavy with confusion, but my tears fully dispersed. I caught sight of my reflection and almost recoiled with the terrible site the greeted me. My lips trembled with a smile, remembering how I was trying to make myself pretty for Ben and everyone when I went to their show, now I look almost alien.

Wiping desperately at my face (with what happens to be Sam's wash cloth) as I prayed that I could remove the majority of my make up, which inevitable dirtied his cloth. James swooped in, sitting me down, in a place as elegant as ever, in this case being the lidded toilet. Putting his covered knees on the floor before me he lightly dabbed at my face, getting me to the best I could be in this situation.

“Right, all better, back to the beautiful person you are.” He whispered, before he looked down on the floor and bit on his lip. Ugh, he's sweet.. wait what am I thinking, I'm engaged. God I am so confused. Ugggghhh! I screamed in my brain. Jesus, I don't even know what I'm thinking any more. What if Ben hasn't cheated and I am thinking like this? Chill, Melissa, people are allowed to find people sweet. It isn't like it's wrong.

James' steady eyes looked over me once more, filled with a worry I'd seen in Ben when he had something to tell me. He opened his mouth and hesitated. He had something important to tell me and I knew It, but he just shook his large head and said “We should go out, and catch up with the guys before they are suspicious.”

Slowly, I moved to my feet and we walked off the bus, I wasn't in a particularly good state but they'd have to accept me as I was, and they were now my second family so I guessed they would.

The boys were all stood outside the bus, smoking and swearing since the driver old them they had to smoke outside for one day as someone was to clean the bus floor whilst they played. Which I definitely agreed needed doing after falling asleep on it earlier, and later teasing cigarette buts from my hair. Not a nice image huh.

I walked up to Ben and planted a solid kiss on his lips, which sent my head into a spin of emotion, which I quickly tried to swallow down. But again James had turned away, and a part of me was so nervous to hear what he needed to say to me. Ben took his skinny but beautiful arms and placed his right one around my wast, steering me further from James before he asked me what we were doing in there, which I replied with the truth. We all migrated toward the venue and within the next 15 minutes of awkward conversation between Ben and I we arrived.

The guys all hugged me, James holding on a little longer than the rest, and Ben planting a firm kiss on me when I was taken to their dressing room and they finally turned up for their sound check. Ben seemed very nervous leaving me, and once I got the dressing room door closed, I cried from pure confusion.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now