II. Expensive cameras & Boat houses

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"Open my gift Brooklyn!" Thai chirped happily as she shoved a rectangular object with neat reindeer covered wrapping paper into my hands. "You didn't wrap this, there is no way." I teased at the fact that she has always been horrible when it came to wrapping paper. "Oh can it & open the gift." She said back nudging me jokingly. I carefully opened the Christmas clad present. My mouth fell open in shock as a Leica M3D black paint camera shined brightly in my hands.

This was one of the rarest cameras in the world

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This was one of the rarest cameras in the world. She must have went through hell to find this. "Do you like it?" Thai asked nervously. "I love it babe, thanks so much! Best Gift ever." I answered happily pulling her into a hug. "Well I think Thai just won best Christmas present award." My dad said jokingly as he helped Harper rip apart a huge present that was almost as tall as her. "My present is epic but no where near as epic as yours." I laughed grabbing a gift from under the tree and handing it to Thai. She looked at me curiously with her head cocked slightly to the side as she opened the present. "Brooklyn!" She gasped throwing her hands around my neck happily. "What is it?" Romeo asked taking a sip of his egg nog. "Keys & a note!" She exclaimed excitedly still hugging me. "Keys & a note?" Cruz repeated Thai with a frown. "Keys for the boat house.We are going to Phuket Thailand next week." I said filling in for Thai whose excitement was confusing everyone. "That sounds lovely." Thai's mum said as my
mum agreed approvingly. "But why Brooklyn?" Thai asked finally breaking off our hug. "Because I think we have a lot of catching up to do."


"Can you wake me when we land?" I asked Brooklyn resting my head in his lap as the private jet sailed smoothly through the air. "Mhmm" he hummed in response distracted by something on his phone. I was very tired, I had been doing stuff non stop since Christmas vacation started and we had to wake up super early to board the jet. I closed my eyes for what felt like 5 seconds but was actually 8 and a half hours. I got up slowly rubbing my sleepy eyes softly. "How much longer do we have?" I asked Brooklyn who was eating pineapples as he watched some sitcom on the tv hanging in front of us. "About 4 hours you big sleepy head." He teased tossing a piece of fruit at me. "Oh excuse me for being human" I retorted sassily popping the chunk of pineapple in my mouth. Brooklyn laughed lightly as we turned our attention to the sitcom. It was some dumb low budget show that Ive never even heard of before, but surprisingly me and Brooklyn spent an hour and a half watching it,occasionally commenting on some of the corny punchlines & puns. We were in the middle of laughing at one of the jokes when I blurted out "I missed you." The words tumbled out of my mouth like an accident I've always wanted to happen. I didn't mean to say it or at least not in this moment. But I truly did mean it, I had missed Brooklyn deep. "I missed you too Thai." Brooklyn responded quietly, rubbing the small of my back with his hand calmly. I leaned forward slowly and pressed my lips gently against his. It's been 3 years since the last time I've felt them. Nothing was the same with us after that day at the clinic. I don't think our relationship will ever be the same, it will always be tainted. The abortion will follow both of us for the rest of our lives. But I needed to feel his lips again, needed to know if they where still there & they where. If not for me but for someone else I still needed to know. I don't think we could ever just be completely platonic with each other. Me & him will always be unfinished business. He kissed me back sincerely, his cold hand grabbing my cheek and deepening the kiss slightly. Our lips collided for a moment longer before I pulled away. "Am I still your person?" I asked softly as the only thing that could be heard was the jets engine and the sitcom faintly playing in the background. "Forever." Brooklyn answered engaging me in another kiss.


                       BROOKLYN'S POV
When we landed we were greeted by a small chubby man that barely spoke English. He was very friendly and tried his best to interact with me & Thai with his limited English vocabulary. Once we arrived at the boat house we thanked him & I tipped him generously before we went inside. "Brooklyn this is amazing." Thai exclaimed looking around the elegant boat house in amazement. I nodded my head in agreement and pecked her lips quickly. "Are you just gonna do that now?" She questioned me teasingly. "You started it." I smirked referring to our encounter on the jet, gripping her butt softly. Thai squealed swatting my hands away as we continued to admire the rest of the house. After our little tour we went into the fancy decorated living room and plopped down on the couch. Thai grabbed the remote and switched on the t.v. A baby ad popped up on the screen as she quickly shut it back off. We sat there in silence. I didn't know if I should try and comfort her or just leave it. We haven't had a proper conversation about the abortion, & I don't think it's good to keep our emotions on the situation bottled up. 3 years was long enough. But I also think it's a time and a place for everything and this was the place, we were alone and could have some privacy, but this was definitely not the time. We had just started getting normal around each other again and I didn't want to ruin that. It was really hard for me to be in an awkward phase with Thai, so I appreciated the good moments. "Are you hungry? Because I could eat a cow!" I nudged Thai trying to lighten the mood. "Ive been in a real bad place for 3 years Brooklyn & I'm not sure if it's getting better or worse." She said tears escaping her eyes loosely. "I can cook steak or chicken which do you prefer?" I asked her getting off of the couch, ignoring her statement and heading to the kitchen. "Didn't you hear me?" Thai asked following quickly behind me distress evident in her voice. "Everytime I cook chicken it comes out dry so I would opt for the steak. What do you think ?" I questioned opening the refrigerator. "BROOKLYN!" She shouted sighing desperately. "IM NOT READY Thai. I'm not ready!" I spoke back lowering my voice with every word.

T.M.B 2(Brooklyn Beckham Fanfiction) Sequel to Take My Breath. Where stories live. Discover now