•Waking Up•

477 36 9

Dr. Ramsei sighed, a patient in the left wing of the hospital, another victim of lung cancer, another failed rescue. He composed himself as he placed a red tally mark on the white board, that was the third loss that month. "Mr. Ramsei! Mr. Ramsei!" Suddenly, a nurse ran into the office, wailing for his attention. "Yes? What is it?" He asked with concern. "It's patient 476, he's waking up." She replied, out of breath. "Mr. Shaforostov?" The doctor was wide eyed as the nurse dragged him through the left wing of the hospital. "Yes sir." She nodded, "but he's not supposed to wake up for a few days.." The doctor was absolutely baffled.

When they reached Denis' room, they found the singer to be sitting straight, back ridged with white knuckles, hands clutching the side rails. "W-where.....?" He stuttered. "Mr. Shaforostov, welcome back." Dr. Ramsei smiled warmly, walking over to his side. "You were in a coma for about two days, so not too long." He continued. "Oh.....So I'm in a h-hospital?" Denis asked. "Yes, Mr.Stoff, may I call you that?" The doctor answered. "Sure..." Denis shrugged.

"Nurse Dinae, why don't you give that sweet girl, Luna a call, oh, and that boy, Ben as well." Dr. Ramsei turned to the nurse and smiled. "Right aw-" "wait!" Denis was suddenly wide eyed with what seemed to be slight fear, "Ben? No, not Ben...." The doctor raised his brows, "are you sure? He seemed extremely concerned for your well being...." "H-he did?" Denis was in shock to say the least. He had completely convinced himself that Ben hated him and wanted nothing to do with him. "Yes Mr. Stoff." Dr. Ramsei replied. "Okay....you can call him..." Denis nodded, sinking into his bed.

With that said, the nurse flew out of the room, leaving Denis alone with the doctor. "Now, mr. Stoff, I believe it's time we talk about more pressing matters..." Dr. Ramsei looked at him expectantly. Denis gulped, "l-like what?" "Your self harm." Mr. Ramsei replied. "Look, it's personal." Denis muttered. "But, Mr. Stoff, it's a threat to your he-" "I don't care! It's my business!" Denis burst out, feeling bad when he realized that he'd just yelled at the doctor.

"I-I'm sorry, I just...." He sighed, "I can deal with it. I'm glad that you care so much about my well being, and I know it's your job, but I can handle this on my own." "Of course, Mr. Stoff." The doctor nodded, not willing to argue. "Call me Denis." The singer smiled weakly, still embarrassed by his outburst. Dr. Ramsei smiled warmly, something he seemed skilled in doing, "alright, Denis."

Just then, Ben ran into the room, instantly at Denis' side. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" He repeated sincerely. Doctor Ramsei took this as his cue to leave, quietly shutting the door behind himself. "I wasn't there for you when you needed me, I-I was an awful friend, I..." He paused, looking up at Denis, "tell me who made you do it. I'll find them, I'll get them, I swear, I-" "Ben." The guitarist gulped, "yes?" "It's okay...I forgive you, just, stop ignoring me, alright?" "Okay, promise, never again." Ben nodded eagerly.

Denis chuckled, "good, ya dickhead." Denis chuckled, "at least I don't have a weird accent." Ben stuck his tongue out. Then, just as Denis was about to retort, Luna dashed in, hugging him tightly. "Why'd they do it? Y'know what, I don't care. Who did it? I will find them and I will fucking kill them." She stated, dark brown eyes piercing into Denis' soul. He burst out laughing, causing the other two to join him. "Oh my g-god!" Denis gasped for air, clutching his stomach, "your face!" Luna was on the ground, in laughter, "it was almost as ugly as yours!"

Ben pretended to be offended, "excuse me, ma'am, my friend has a pretty damn good face okay? You'd be lucky to look like him." Denis blushed, "awwwww, what's your ship name?" Luna teased. "Brustoff." Ben stated breezily, slightly surprising Luna. "You guys created your own ship name?" She looked at the pair skeptically. "No, if we had created our own ship name we'd be dating." Ben replied.

"Then who...?" She raised a brow, "our fans" Denis answered, "I guess I forgot to mention that we're in a band..." Luna's jaw dropped, "no way! That's kick ass!" Ben smirked cockily, slinging an arm around Denis' shoulders, "yeah, we're pretty cool." He joked.

Denis wasn't sure if Ben knew what he was doing because he wasn't removing his arm from his shoulders. Goosebumps trailed down his arms an back from simply the touch of his band mate. He bit his lip, zoning out of the conversation. Ben. That was the one thing on his mind. Bright blue eyes, wild locks of brown hair, the tattoos trailing down his chest, right arm and neck... He imagined the feeling of Ben's lips against his again, oh how he missed that...

"Den? Denny....Deniiiisssss?" Ben snapped in front of his face. "O-oh uh whu?" Denis was brought back to his senses, "whya wha....?" Ben and Luna laughed at his gibberish, "you spaced out, genius." Luna answered. "Oh, right, okay...does anyone know when I can leave?" He looked at his friends quizzically. "I'll go ask." Ben offered, not leaving much of a choice as he slipped out the door. Instantly Luna looked Denis dead in the eye, "I'm getting you guys together."

The singer sighed, shaking his head, "don't you get it, Luna? He doesn't like me and never will. He's my best friend and I should be grateful to at least have that...." Then, Luna surprised him with her next sarcasm induced words, "oh shut the fuck up you depressed trash can." She rolled her eyes and gave her friend a light smile, "you have a chance, Denis. You can't just give up and surrender to your so called logical side" Denis nodded, slowly at first, "yeah...yeah, you're right."

"Alright then, you won't give up?" Luna asked.

Denis smiled with determination, "I won't give in."

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