• Together •

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Hey guys :3 alright, so, you've decided and soon there will be a smut, so be ready! Besides that, enjoy the chappy! :D



Ben yawned, keeping his body still. He smiled, feeling the ball of warmth curled into his chest. He pried his eyes open, lifting an arm to wipe the sleep from them as he looked down. Denis' fluffy hair tickled his cheek, the singer's head was nestled into Ben's collar bone and his upper body was snuggled closely to his side.

Warm sunlight bathed the pale blue sheets of the hotel bed in which they laid. Still ecstatic with joy, Ben kissed Denis' forehead, "I love you." He smiled. To his pleasant surprise, the singer was awoken by the single flutter of a touch. "Mmm...morning Benji..." Denis grinned lazily, looking up at the guitarist with sleepy eyes.

"Morning, love." Ben replied. Denis' smile grew wider and he reached up, giving Ben a kiss, "I'm so, so happy." "Like wise." Ben grinned, "y'know what else I am?" He asked. "What?" Denis slightly tilted his head to the side. "Hungry." Ben answered with a grin. "Me too" Denis laughed.

The pair got dressed, Denis in a ripped Asking Alexandria tank top and black jeans with checkered slip on Vans while Ben adorned a loose, burgundy t shirt paired with black jeans, a chain on the belt loops and black Doc Martens.

"Jacket or no jacket?" Ben asked, repeatedly lifting and dropping a black leather jacket. Denis made a face as though he was in deep thought, "hmmmm..." Ben started making stupid faces every time he dropped the jacket, causing Denis to laugh.

"I thin-" before Denis could finish, the jacket slipped from Ben's hand and plopped onto the carpet. They stared in silence for a moment until Denis spoke, on the verge of laughter, "Well, you dropped it."

"And that's not the only thing I can drop." With that, Ben winked and executed a near perfect slut drop, picking up the jacket in the process. Denis stared, gave a light blush and snorted. Ben thrusted a hip far to the side and snapped his finger, barely speaking normally, he grinned, "sassyyyyy."

Both of the boys tumbled over in laughter, "that's was so dumb!" Denis wiped a tear from his eye, "you mean sexy." Ben stated, calming himself down. Jokingly, Denis corrected himself, "Right."

The pair laughed into silence and Denis bit his lip. "You're so cute..." Ben smiled softly, looking at Denis who suddenly thought the ground was immensely interesting. Ben stepped closer, gently linking their hands.

The Ukrainian gulped, slowly lifting his head to meet the guitarist's eyes. "I..." Ben took a deep breath, "Can we start over?" Denis gave a small nod, hesitantly at first, but he nodded. "Great, I'm glad." Ben replied, "now, let's get to breakfast."

~•~•~•~•~•~•Time Skip•~•~•~•~•~•~•~

     Ben and Denis had been meandering aimlessly around the city for about two hours, just looking around and talking. "Denis," Ben stopped them, "Can I ask you something?" Denis nodded, "yeah, sure." "Okay....Why do you like me? I just don't get it...." Ben but his lip and looked away as if Denis would say something awful and leave him.

Denis smiled, "There's so many reasons Ben, but I need to tell you somewhere it's just us..." Ben nodded, "Okay then, Denis, will you go on a date with me?" Denis chuckled "you said you wanted to start over like, three hours ago." Ben frowned, "weelllll...screw that. Go out with me."

The singer laughed and hugged Ben, "gladly."

~•Ahahahaha another time skip hahahah I'm so funny ahahhahahahahahah(I wanna kms)~•

     "So, where are we going?" Denis asked. "Somewhere." Ben replied, "where is somewhere?" Denis pried, "a place." Ben shrugged, staring straight ahead. "Well this is the best date ever..." Denis mumbled, recalling that they'd been walking to this "place" for at least an hour.

"Heeyy, don't say that" Ben walked in front of him, stopping him, "our date hasn't even begun yet!" Denis pouted, "make it up to me for all this walking." Ben nodded and replied, "after, I promise."

     When the pair reached their destination on the other side of the city, it turned out to be a restaurant called Bowie's. "How did you know this was here?" Denis asked, "have you been here?" Ben chuckled, "no, I haven't, I just remember you saying you loved this place..."

     Denis smiled, "I do."

     Ben laced their fingers together, "then, shall we?" Denis giggled, "we shall."

~•~•~•~Time Skip ~•~•~•~

     The pair had finished eating and were once again, walking. They found themselves calmly meandering through a forest that was set beside the sidewalk they'd traveled on previously. "Thank you." Denis looked at Ben who was swinging their hands back and forth.

     "For what?" Ben asked, "Dinner." Denis replied. Ben looked down and smiled softly, "you being with me is enough thanks for eternity." "That was poetic." Denis smiled, giving a small laugh, "well I didn't mean for it to rhyme but..." Ben chuckled.

     The guitarist halted them, slightly shocking Denis, "what is it?" He asked. Ben placed a finger under Denis' chin and lifted it up so that he was looking at the sky. "That." Ben answered.

     Denis gasped, "that's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen...." Ben, still looking at the singer, nodded, "me too." Looking down, Denis curled into Ben's chest, letting his arms wrap around him.



"I Love you."

"I love you too, Den."

They sat there and cuddled peacefully until Ben felt Denis' breathing slow. He had fallen asleep. The British boy smiled softly and let sleep overtake him. He didn't care where he was or what he was doing as long as he was with Denis.


IM SO SORRY :( I've had this awful writer's block for the longest time and it got me completely out of my writing schedule (if I can even call it that...). I know what I want to write, but I don't know how to write it, does that make sense? I also just cant come up with anything and I don't want to put out bad writing for you guys so I just didn't write. Any suggestions for the story or small ideas would be great, I hope you understand, I'll try my hardest to write more.


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