• When The Strong Fall •

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Denis gulped harshly, contemplating what was next. Torture? Death? He certainly did not want to be that Man's play toy forever, he'd rather die. The singer felt tears rush down his face, thinking about how his whole life had so swiftly changed. He was torn away from everything he cared about, from everyone he loved; His family, his friends, Ben...

He shifted in the chair uncomfortably, wincing when the rope, pulled taut, scratched his already bleeding wrists. His jaw hurt immensely, the gag having been replaced in his mouth and this time, tighter. He coughed harshly when he heard the door to the basement open. Fear spiraled down his spine as he glimpsed the man waltzing down the steps, assumably coming to hurt him again.

Not surprisingly, he had the camera tucked under his arm and a crooked grin stretched across his face. "Hello, my pretty, I see you got your nails done." He cackled, pointing at the iron nails, caked with blood, still jutting from Denis' thighs. "I think you've been sitting down for faaaarrrr too long, let's stand you up." He smirked, using a large kitchen knife he pulled from his back pocket, to cut the bonds.

Denis cried harder, the kiss of freedom hovering over his lips, so close, but impossibly far. He felt weak from being immobile for so long and the harsh slap of reality stung painfully as he realized that he couldn't escape this man, not on his own, at least. "Alright pretty, arrrmmsss up!" He yelled, yanking Denis' arms into the air.

He swiftly tore Denis' shirt off and dragged him out of the chair. Denis struggled against him but it was utterly futile, for the man was ten times stronger. "Alright pretty, hope ya got stretchy arms..." He mumbled, locking one of Denis' wrists in a cuff which dangled from the ceiling by a thick, steel chain. "Ah ack guh-" Denis flailed wildly, only angering the man more as his other wrist was locked into place.

"Pretty, I think I need to punish you, you're being a very bad pet." The man grinned, once again walking behind Denis to grab something unknown. "Now pretty, I noticed that you have some...Injuries...On your tummy, so I've decided, since you thought those were pretty enough to put on your tummy, I'll give you some matching ones on your back!" He chuckled. Denis' stomach dropped, dread clawed at his insides and the awful memories bloomed fresh in his mind.

"Gah guuh aacckk" Denis thrashed like a caged animal, hearing the man approach his back. "Pretty, don't your thighs hurt? Don't those nails just buuuurrrnnn? Why don't you kneel for a bit." The man shoved him down to his knees, bruising the bone from his brute force. "Ahk" Denis choked on the pain that slithered so evilly through his veins. "Alright pretty, I wanna see some emotion! I wanna see passion! So I'm gonna help you by rippin' it riiiiiggghhttt out!" He laughed menacingly as he set up the camera to face Denis' left side.

He brought the kitchen knife down on Denis' back in a harsh hack. "Gah!" Denis cried out. "Y'know what Pretty? I wanna hear you scream, so let's get that little gag out, we'll use it for better reasons later..." He smirked viciously and ripped the gag from the singers mouth.

"Please stop.....Please....." Denis cried quietly, the burning pain in his back from where the knife had cut, worsening. "Please? Please what? More? Oh I will." The man cackled as he began slicing lines all over Denis' back. "Ben help!" Denis screamed out, "Ben please! Please save me!" To his knowledge, he was screaming empty echoes, he hadn't the slightest idea that Ben would actually see the tape.


Ben worriedly ran his hands through his hair, sighing in sadness. He was told another tape was discovered two days after the first one and he was at the police station, waiting to watch it. "Alright Mr. Bruce, are you sure you'd like to view this video? It's very graphic." The cop, who Ben had learned was Officer Rand, looked at the guitarist with concern.

"Yes. Yes sir." Ben replied with a firm nod. "Alrighty then, follow me." The officer led him into a room in the back of the station, one where they'd usually interrogate people. The cop put the tape into a VCR player and let it play on a small flat screen on the back wall.

Ben was shaken with horror as the video played. The man would taunt him profusely and cut into his back with a knife, all the while Denis screamed for him. Ben felt tears rush faster down his face than they ever had, Denis needed him and he couldn't be there, he couldn't save him.

"You ready pretty? I got another fun toy..." The man laughed hysterically, pulling out a whip. "Here we go!" He yelled, harshly cracking the whip on Denis' back.

After about twenty more lashes, the man stopped, walking to the camera and turning it off.

The video ended.

Ben sat, frozen and unsure of how to react. Crying more wouldn't help. Being depressed wouldn't help. He had to do something, but what?

"Mr. Bruce, we do have good news for you, we think we have a lead on the man that took Mr. Stoff and if we are correct, your friend should be back in a matter of days." Officer Rand stated. Ben looked him dead in the eyes, "thank you officer, and make sure that man gets what he deserves."

They spoke a while about the paperwork that needed to be done and finding Denis, but Ben hurried to leave because he needed to call the head of the police.


"So? What'd he say?" James asked as soon as Ben put the phone down. "He said I could go, as long as I didn't get in their way." Ben answered. James nodded, "So Ben...Uh, you saw the newest tape?" Sam questioned. "Yeah..." Ben bit his lip, "That man, he does awful things to Denis..." His voice cracked and everyone knew to leave the subject alone. No one wanted to see Ben cry, if he did, they all would.


I AM SO SORRY!!!!! I've been so bad with updating this story and I'm so sorry guys, I know I hate it when the author of a book I'm reading doesn't update, so now I feel bad!! Don't worry though, I'm gonna try my hardest to update this book more frequently! Again, I'm so sorry!

Till next time (Soon!)


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