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?- "Taehyung I really hate you so much that you prefer your fans more than me why are you doing this to me."

Taehyung- "sorry but you break up with me for no reason. So I decided to not feel in love with a person who decided my future and what they want me to do. If you ask me that I don't love you so much that you hate me. No, I don't hate you or I love you I just want to sing for my rest of my life. Also, you are going to ask me why am I says this, but I don't hate you or love you because you hurt me so badly in my heart."

Misaki- " bye Taehyung or I should call you V that don't have hearts and would never be in love with someone."

Taehyung- "whatever I don't care what you call me and good-bye forever the love that hurt me so bad Misaki."

Then it was finishing talking to the fans and even Misaki. After that Taehyung start to cry for two minutes long.

Jimin whispers to Jin - "poor V.
Jin whispers to Jimin- " yeah."
Jimin whispers to Jin- "Jin can you make V laugh."
Jin- "yeah."

Jin and Jimin try to make V so happy but they couldn't make V happy because his heart is broken to pieces. V left to form the studio to go home.

V home Pov

V thinking lots about Misaki when they were dating and even his first kiss with her. V can't accept that Misaki left him because of jealousy. All night he was thinking about Misaki what she says. The alarm clock rings so loud that V said, "I don't want to go to school to see Misaki what happened yesterday."

Mom V- "Taehyung come down to eat your breakfast that I made you."
V- "yeah mom comes down."

V put on his school uniform and get his backpack. V went downstairs to eat his breakfast.

V- " mom you're cooking is great like always."

Jimin, Jin, and jungkook were knocked on the doors of V house.

V went to the bathroom to brush his teeth to don't smell bad his mouth since he is kpop he needs to take care of the way he looks like. V went to the door to put on his shoes and open the door to make it stops ringing the doorbell.

V open the door he saw Jimin, Jin, and jungkook. V close doors to go to school.

V - " why you guys always do this to me in the morning to ringing like a crazy person that's someone is going to kill you."

Jimin- "because we love you V."

V- " this is the way you show me love to be so annoying in the morning and the whole days."

Jungkook- "basically ."

Jin- " V did you hear there are two new students in our class."

V- "as I care about it."

Jungkook- "you should care about it."

V- "why"

Jimin- "we should tell him, guys."

Jin and jungkook- "yeah ."

Jimin- "okay. Taehyung don't be so angry or go crazy to kill the new students. V promised me so I will tell you about it."

V- "okay I promise to don't go crazy for this nonsense that you going to tell me."

Jimin- " Misaki is going out with the new students and Misaki switched your seat for the new student."

V- "okay do you see me that I don't care about it and I don't care about her on a relationship with a random guy and Misaki acting like a bitch with the new students."

Misaki- "who is a bitch ."

V- "of course you and who else is it."

Misaki- " take that back or else I am going to break up your face up."

V- "I am not going to take it back because are one.
Also, you broke my heart into pieces and now you want to punch my face. If you punch my face something bad will happen to you."

Jin- "stop being so mean to her you never been so mean with Misaki."

V- "why should I be nice with a girl that break with me for no reason, and she dates with a random guy that she doesn't know him nothing about him since yesterday?"

Misaki- "what's wrong with it?"

V and Jimin- "everything!!!!"

Misaki- " what's wrong with it Jimin and the idiot next to you."

Jimin- "yesterday you meet him. He is a new student."

Misaki- "what are you saying."

V - "stupid jimin is trying to say that it's strange that he is a new student and he asks you out to be his girlfriend. Also, nobody does that after you met them for a long time. And also be careful stupid with him. Do you still have my cell phones number just in case something bad will happen to you."

Misaki- "yeah."

I still in love with you TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now