chapter three

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"Lauren!" Y/N yelled from her room. Her nose had started to bleed all the sudden and she felt like she couldn't move her legs.

Lauren ran through their apartment as quickly as possible, knowing Y/N only yelled like that if it was serious and cancer related.

Lauren entered the room. "What's wron-HOLY SHIT!" Lauren yelled after seeing blood literally pouring from the girl's nose. Lauren had never seen so much coming out of her nose.

"I'm really sorry, I like can't move my legs, they hurt a lot." Y/N said with a helpless expression.

Lauren quickly grabbed some tissues from Y/N's desk and handed them to her. Y/N put them on her nose and leaned forward, waiting for the blood to stop flowing.

While she did this Lauren sat beside her and rubbed Y/N's back. "On a scale of one to ten, how're your legs?" This was something Lauren often asked her best friend and girlfriend.

"Ugh, fuck, seven." Y/N said, her words muffled by the tissues.

"Medicine, ice cream, Netflix?" Lauren asked.

"Medicine, ice cream, Netflix." Y/N confirmed.

Lauren smiled. Today was a rare day when Y/N's appetite wasn't completely ruined.

"Okay, while you fix your situation I'll grab the medicine and ice cream." Lauren said, causing Y/N to laugh.

Lauren had stuck by Y/N no matter what. Sure they fought, but at the end of the day Lauren was always there for her.

Lauren came back with the ice cream and Y/N's medicine. They bleeding had stopped and Y/N was now leaning against the headboard of her bed. When she heard Lauren enter she looked over and Lauren tossed her medicine to her. Y/N quickly took two pills, dry swallowing them, and scooting over to make room for Lauren.

They started eating ice cream while flipping through movies on Netflix. "Stuck In Love?" Lauren questioned, never have seeing the movie.

"Sure." Y/N replied. She was already tired of the ice cream, it had begun to repulse her, so she simply scooted down the bed and rested her head on her pillow while the movie started.

A few minutes later Lauren laid the ice cream carton on the bedside table, scooting down the bed as well, and curing into Y/N's side. Lauren wouldn't admit it, but she took advantage of every moment she had with Y/N, sometimes afraid it would be the last.

Y/N smiled as Lauren wrapped an arm around her waist. Lauren was the only person that'd ever stuck by her, besides  Alycia, but it's kinda different when you have cancer too.

An hour into the movie and Lauren was wiping her snotty nose, a result of the movie, on Y/N's shirt. Y/N eyed the girl in disgust for a moment before pinching her side. Lauren squealed a little in surprise before slapping Y/N.

"Shit, Laur." Y/N said threw gritted teeth. "That's gonna bruise."

Lauren immediately regretted what she did and looked at Y/N, concerned. "I'm so sorry. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, sorry, I overreacted." Y/N apologized. She was used to getting bruised, she shouldn't have reacted like that.

Lauren kissed the area she smacked before cuddling back into Y/N's side. "Sorry." She mumbled. She then put on a new movie.

"Silver Linings Playbook?" Y/N questioned. "I'm sensing a theme here, Laur."

"I'm sorry, I miss Alycia, okay?" Lauren said while pouting. Alycia had gone to visit her cousin in Orlando, and Lauren had stayed to make sure Y/N was alright. Y/N felt bad, but she knew she probably wouldn't have survived if Lauren left.

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