chapter five

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Camila couldn't get over the fact she was holding Y/N's hand. It felt so right. Camila may not have known the girl for long, but there was no denying the crush she had on her was growing by the second. Holding her hand gave her hope. Does Y/N like her back? Hopefully, because she is holding her hand right now, and Camila is almost positive Y/N's smile is as big as hers. Perhaps she feels the butterflies as well.

Camila then felt someone nudge her right side and she looked over to see Dinah smirking. Camila blushed slightly before turning back to look at the movie, Y/N's hand remaining in hers for the rest of the movie.

Once the movie was over Camila thought Y/N was going to let go of her hand, but instead Y/N continued to hold it as they walked out of the theater, causing Camila's heart to soar. Y/N looked over at Camila and smiled and Camila smiled back as they walked to stand outside the theater.

Once they were out there Y/N released Camila's hand, causing her to frown slightly, but she quickly covered it up with a smile. They were standing with the rest of the group and everyone was saying their goodnights.

"Night, Y/N." Dinah said after saying goodnight to Lauren. Y/N and Dinah hugged before Y/N went to say goodnight to Normani and Ally.

"Goodnight, ladies. It was nice meeting you and we should all get together again, soon." Y/N told them while giving them both quick hugs.

Dinah, Normani and Ally all started walking back to the car while Camila stood with Y/N and Lauren.

Lauren walked up to where Camila was standing to say goodbye first. "G'night, Camz." She said with a smile.

"Goodnight, Lauren." The younger Cuban said while moving in to hug her.

After they pulled away Camila walked over to Y/N. "Goodnight, Camila. I had a lovely night." Y/N said sincerely.

Camila pulled her into a hug that lasted longer than a normal hug. "Goodnight, Y/N." Camila said before pulling away and giving Y/N's cheek a kiss. Y/N's eyes widened and Camila started to walk away.

While she was walking away she heard Y/N start talking to Lauren. "She kissed my cheek!" Y/N said, and Camila giggled to herself when she heard the older girl's voice crack.

"So, Walz, you're making a move?" Dinah asked once Camila got to Ally's car.

"She made the first one." Camila told Dinah as they both got into the back.

"That's your crush?" Normani asked from the front seat.

"Yep." Dinah answered for Camila.

As they pulled away they drove past the front of the theater. "Her and Lauren seem awfully close." Ally observed, looking at Lauren and Y/N, who were still hanging out in front of the theater. Lauren had her arm wrapped around Y/N's waist while the Y/H/C girl spoke animatedly about something.

"They're best friends. Lauren actually has a girlfriend." Camila said, trying not to be jealous of the two friends closeness.

"From what I've heard they've been friends for a long time." Dinah added into the conversation.

"That's nice," Normani said from the front seat. "Exactly how old are they?"

"Nineteen." Camila answered.

Normani turned to Camila and wiggled her eyebrows. "Ooh, an older woman?"

"Shut up." Camila blushed.


"I need to ask you a question."

Y/N and Lauren were currently sat in the living room, waiting for Alycia to get back home.

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