chapter seven

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"Babe, will you please come over?"

Camila had been begging me to come over to her house all week. Now normally I wouldn't mind, but this means meeting the parents. Camila and I aren't official, so meeting the parents isn't exactly on my bucket list.

"It'll be awkward, Cam," I pouted. Camila sighed while laying down beside me on my bed to continue watching the movie.

"You know," she said while cuddling up to my side. "If you ever want to date me you better be prepared to meet my parents."

"I know, and I will. Trust me." I wrapped my arm around Camila and kissed her forehead. We hadn't kissed yet, but I always pecked her forehead or cheek. I didn't want to kiss her until our first official date, though. Which brings me to my next question.

"Go on a date with me?" I asked the small Cuban that was curled up to my side.

This caused Camila's head to shoot up. "What?!"

I smiled at her. "A date. With me. You in?"

Camila smiled happily while nodding. "Finally! Of course I'm in!"

"Of course in nervous!" I exclaimed to Lauren, who was watching me pace around the room. "What if she thinks I dressed bad or she completely hates what I do? She's never been on a date, I have to make it perfect."

Lauren nodded. "Camila likes to have fun, right?" I nodded at this. "See! Take her somewhere you think she'd have fun."

I stopped pacing and sat down. "You're right. I mean this is Camila! I'm sure she'd love anything."

Lauren smiled. "As long as its with you, Y/N."

I nodded, trying to reassure myself. "As long as its with me."

"Now go get ready!" Lauren said. "You have a date in two hours!"

After I had gotten ready, dressed causally like I had told Camila to do, I got in my car and went to pick her up. I had planned the date in my head while getting ready, and I hoped Camila would enjoy it.

Once I arrived I got out, giving myself a little pep talk on the way to her door. "Okay, Y/N. You can do this." I muttered right before I knocked on the Cabello's door.

I heard rushed foot steps and a few moments later Camila opened the door, wearing a The 1975 shirt and black jeans. She must've noticed I'd been looking and she spoke up.

"Is this too casual?" She asked nervously. "I can go and change if you want me t-"

"No!" I exclaimed. "No – it's just – you look beautiful, Camila." I told her honestly.

I noticed her blushing and she smiled before replying. "You're not too bad yourself, Y/L/N."

I smiled back at her before holding my hand out. "Shall we?"

Camila grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers and beginning to walk ahead of me. "We shall!"

I quickly opened the door for Camila and she smiled at me before getting in the car. After I shut the door I went and got in the driver's seat and drove towards our destination.

"The bowling alley?!" I heard Camila exclaim from beside me once we had arrived.

I looked over at her nervously before speaking. "I hope you like it. I wasn't sure if this would be goo-"

"I love it, Y/N! This will be the best date ever!" Camila interrupted me.

I chuckled. "It's your only date ever," I pointed out.

"Oh, hush," Camila said with a smile. "Let's go!" And with that Camila was out the door. I got out as well and followed her with a smile.

"Cam, let's eat first," I told her while walking up to the food counter. "Pizza?" I asked the Cuban standing next to me.

Camila nodded so I ordered us a pizza to share and two drinks. Once the food was ready I brought it to a table Camila had picked out.

We silently grabbed a piece of pizza and placed it on separate plates before beginning to talk. Throughout the time we spent eating we talked about random things, such as Camila's high school experience and her sister's stuffed animal collection. Once we'd both finished I collected the trash and threw it away.

"Bowling?" I questioned Camila while walking back over to her.

Camila nodded while standing up so her and I both went to get shoes and a lane. Quickly realizing that Camila was actually very good at bowling, I wasted no time going easy on her. Her and I had a full on battle for the win. It consisted of distracting one another and sulking when we'd get behind. Camila ended up winning. I didn't mind though. The smile on her face was totally worth it.

Her and I played three rounds. I only won one of the rounds, but it really was just for fun. Kinda. Okay maybe I was a little salty.

"That was so much fun!" Camila exclaimed as we walked out into the parking lot. I looked over and smiled at the younger girl, who had a bright look in her eye. "What're you looking at?" She said bashfully.

I shrugged. "The most beautiful girl ever."

Camila lightly slapped my arm while laughing. "You're so fucking cheesy!"

"Only when it comes to you," I told her honestly. "C'mon, I have to get you home by curfew." I took ahold of her hand, leading her towards where my car was parked. The whole ride home consisted to me smiling and singing along, with Camila, to whatever song was on the radio.

I arrived to her house too soon for my liking, but I realized our date had come to an end. "I'll walk you to your door." I told her as we both got out of my car.

Both of us purposely walked slowly to her door, and once we made it I turned to look at her, noticing she was already looking at me.

"Thank you for this, Y/N," Camila said. "Thank you for giving me a chance."

This caused me to move closer to Camila, resting my hands on her waist. "You're the only person I'd ever dream of giving a chance. But thank you for giving me a chance."

Camila stayed silent after this, as did I. We stood there, silently looking into each other's eyes. That's when I noticed Camila glance down at my lips. It was like one of those cheaply written moments in a movie. Camila looked at my lips, I looked at hers, and suddenly we were both leaning in. When our lips connected I felt a burst of butterflies in my stomach, my head starting to twirl. It didn't last long, but it was just enough. Just enough to let me know id definitely be wanting to do that more, in the future.

"Goodnight, Y/N," Camila said quietly, a small smile playing on her face. She then walked into her house, leaving me alone in front of her door.

"Goodnight, Camila," I whispered to no one in particular.

A/N: and after almost two months I have dropped a new chapter. I hope you enjoyed! I suck at writing dates but whatever. Lemme know how it was and what you'd like to see in future chapters!

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