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"Isaac! Isaac," I got his attention. "I need to do something in the back can you bring waters to table 5? And ask 3 and 7 if they need anything? I'll only be a sec," he was so confused but didn't have time to talk so he just followed through with what I asked.


Lilly. That's her name. She's now taking me to the back of the diner to change clothes I have no idea why the hell her brother had clothes here. She also said something about this being a family buisness? So 'it must be Lilly Aster' I thought to myself.

"What?" Lilly was taken back. From the way she looked up I assume I said that outloud without acknowledging it.

"Sorry," I blushed like an idiot, "I was just putting together you saying it's a family buisness, Doug Aster? Lilly Aster?" She laughed and lead us into a room as she opened the door at the end of the hall. I was so nervous.

"Yes actually, Lilly Rose Ast--"

"Flowers!" I blurted out stupidly, "all flowers! That's really uh.. cool!" Wow a+ flirting. "I'm just Christian, Christian David Akridge," she laughed.

"Nice," she said smiling while opening a locker and pulling out a pair of patchy jeans and a dark green oversized sweater with a little red patch. I couldn't really read her but she seemed to be blushing, it was cute.

"Here ya go," she extended her hands out holding the clothes. I looked down at my own and realized how gross I appeared.

"Thank you so much," I took the clothing, "how should I return them?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm not sure, how bout I give you my number and then we can figure it out later?" My heart rate sped up slightly, that idea excited me. I had been meaning to ask her for her number all year but i'm a freaking wimp. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket thankful it wasn't ruined by how soaked I was.

"Yeah sure! But let me change real quick and you can just add it in hold on," I handed her my phone open to the 'add new contact page' and she turned around and added herself while I changed.


Christian gave me his phone and I added my number in and put my name in. When I finished I turned around just as Christian was pulling the sweater over his head. He looked up and blushed as he realized I saw him shirtless for two seconds. I should've had him go to the bathroom to change but he was not bad to look at at all. He was actually perfect, I needed to know more about him. I caught myself staring a little too long so I looked away fast but then noticed there was no reason to cause he was dressed at this point so I looked back and awkwardky held out my phone to him for him to add his own number.

"Ah yes!" I also gave him back his own phone too. Before he added himself to my phone went back and did something to his own. I went over beside him and looked over his shoulder without thinking twice. He went so my contact I had added moments before and changed it from just the 'lilly' I had named myself to 'Lilly Rose Aster🌹'

"Sorry dude but I'm just flipping obsessed with your name", He said seriously and I started to laugh. Then he went and took my phone is his hands and typed for a second then handed it back to me. I looked at the contact that was just 'christian' and started to think out loud.

"Christian, Chriistiian, Chicken, no no Crustacean!!"

"What are you doin-" he laughed.

"Christian kinda sounds like crustacean if you pronounce it the right way," he cocked his head and smirked. "You see like, cristaseeon, christeeon" he just shook his head and saw me change his name on my phone to 'Crustacean😊🦀'.

"I don't get it, you're so weird," I opened the door to the hallway and we started to make our way back out into the diner.

"So you're Christian," I started to put the puzzle pieces together. "I think we have the same lunch period, 2nd right?"

"Oh uh yeah,"

"I always here the name Christian yelled from that back table all the time and I think I remember seeing you around,"

"We also have the same history class too," he half blurted out and half mumbled.

"Oh yeah! Okay yeah cool," we just had made the way and walked over to his table and he sat down. Then I glanced up at the clock, 5:15. I had to head home to turn off the sprinklers, feed the dog and finish my homework since my parents weren't home this week and I was the one that'd have to do these things. I let out a sigh and looked over to Isaac.

"Isaac! I need to go home and finish the chores and stuff so sorry i can't stay and-" he just heard what I said nodded, waved and turned his attention elsewhere for he was really busy but I got my point across to him. Then i looked down to Christian and Michael.

"I gotta go," his face dropped and it made me sad, "but! I'll see you in third period tomorrow!" he smiled.

"Thanks for the clothes again, sorry this was kinda weird but I'll give them back tomorrow," he laughed. I nodded my head and then started towards the door and grabbed my things and headed out the door smiling.

Who Knew // Christian AkridgeWhere stories live. Discover now