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We were seated near the back of the diner. I wasn't all that hungry but I was just planning on pie in the first place. As soon as we sat Michael on the other hand seemed to grab the menu faster than ever and began scanning his eyes over it quickly. I could tell he was starving.

"Dude, I'm dying," he exclaimed looking up at me for a split second before going back to his menu. I shook my head. Just after I noticed a girl about our age coming towards us and my mood changed. Like a light switch. To a mix of happy and nervous. She was the girl in my history class that I always got chocked up around, lost focus over, the reason my palms would clam up and would constantly drop my pencil over. She was gorgeous but I could never work up the nerve to speak to her. I don't think she's ever noticed me, I'd like her to but on the other hand I have no idea how I'd handle it and would mess up all my words and when I saw her my stomach would twist. It's for the best I guess, just to avoid awkward situations. Also when I'm nervous I tend to become overly cocky or overly shy and just drive people away. But she's headed over this way now and I can't stop it this time.


Isaac had already served food to table 3 and 7 so I headed over to table 5. The boys had just sat down.

"Oh hey, Lilly!" The darker haired one said excitedly. I was confused and I guess my expression showed this because quickly after he examined the look on my face he followed up that statement. "Oh sorry, I'm Michael," I was still thrown off and he could tell so he added to it again, "Sarah's boyfriend."

"Oh, sorry, yeah, hi!" I sputtered embarrassed that I didn't figure it out earlier. Sarah is one of my best friends and she's been going out with this Michael guy for a while now. I've never really formally been introduced or met him officially but I guess my name comes up in conversation a lot around him in order for him to even know who I even am.

"Do you work here?" He asked.

"Oh, no, my brother Isaac does but since it's so busy he needed me to help with orders and stuff," I said, "and it's kind of the family business so why not," I added a little laugh after a small pause to break the silence, smiling awkwardly.

"Well, like I said I'm Michael," the boy started.

"It's nice to finally meet you," I shook his hand and giggled a little at how formal and weird this was.

"And this," he said gesturing to the boy across from him, the wet dog boy, "is Christian." He looked up from the large long listed pie menu over to Michael with a lost puppy white look on his face, then seemed to be shook from his daze and looked up to me. My heart floated up in my chest.

"Hey!" He said wearily almost as if he was out of breath while extending his hand.

"Hey," I shook his hand and looked him in the eyes.

His eyes were so forgiving, and soft. And such a different incredible shade of light, muddy yet clear greenish-brown. I found myself lost. Then I physically shook myself to shake me from this long pause of staring which probably made me look stupid and crazy.

"So uh, can I get you guys like water or something?" I sounded so unprofessional but I was so distracted and intrigued by this boy.

"Uh yeah we'll have two waters, and um actually, is there a place I can clean up?" Christian asked. "Ya see there was this truck and it sorta spashed and uh-" he gestured to his clothes and body referring to how muddy and soaked he was.

"Yes! The bathroom is down that hall" I said pointing, "and I'll get you those waters," Christian stood up, he was practically dripping and I could only imagine how cold and miserable he must be. Then I remembered something.

"Hey you know, my brother has a locker in the back, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you were to borrow a change of clothes?"

"Ah are you sure??" He squinted up his face questionably.

"Yes of course you look really discontented and uncomfortable. If you wanna follow me I'll show you where you can change?"

"Alright," he smirked and gave in, "Lilly."

A/N: like no one is reading this but I'm gonna keep going cause this is fun 😂 but if there is someone readung then let me know what you think but voting/following and commenting what you think so far :)) thank you and hope (haha hope) you're having a great day

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