Lauren Jauregui has always been a night owl. Always in bed before 5 a.m. and always up again when the sun went down. For as long as she could remember it's always been like that. Being homeschooled wasn't a problem for her. She set her schedule arou...
I had woken up a little bit passed nine. My parents had sent me a text saying that they were leaving for the weekend and Chris and Taylor went with them. I was thankful for that. I honestly feel bad. What Taylor said kind of got to me a bit.
I cannot change who I am. For anyone.
I went downstairs to the living room because it had the biggest tv and I wanted to watched Dead of Summer. I rarely ever came downstairs to just sit. Someone else was always in here. I liked being alone, it's just this comfortable feeling I get in my chest that I'm content with.
I sat there watching the show while I ate a bag of popcorn. It was interesting but my mind got easily distracted.
All I could think about was Camila. I wondered if she was okay or not. I don't really know her but, something inside of me makes me wonder what she's up to right now. I really wish I could just call her or something; just to chat.
After the show ended I decided I didn't want to stay inside anymore. It was nine o'clock on a Saturday. I got up off the couch and headed to the front door, threw on my leather jacket and pulled out the beanie from my pocket, placing it on my head.
Thankfully I wasn't grounded and my parents had left my car but, when I stepped outside something told me not to get into the car.
I didn't ignore it.
I just started walking towards the north side of the city. I don't usually walk on this side of town because everyone that lives on this side of the town thinks they're better than the rest of us. All the money in the world couldn't make me change who I am or the way I act.
I think that's the problem with America. Everyone thinks once you have a bit of money you made it in life. That's not true. I feel if you change someone's life for the greater good, that's when you finally made it.
Then again what do I know.
It was about ten til eleven when I finally reached the gated community where the other half lived.
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There's no way in hell a person like me can walk right into a place like that. I had this friend who once lived there, she said it was beautiful. Every square inch of the place to bad I'll never see it.
I turned on my heels and started walking back away from the gated community. Down the road I could see someone in a lime green charger. From the looks of it, it had black racing stripes and neon lights.
Figures, spend all your money on a car.
They raced down the road and headed for the gate. I heard the PA granting the car access, opening up the gates but what surprised me was the sound of the car going in reverse.
I stopped walking noticing that the car had pulled up right next to me. The tinted windows shielded me from seeing who the driver was but as soon as it did. I can say I was bit of suprised.