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"It's really peaceful here." I said. "I like it."

Camila sighed. "It didn't use to be. It use to be filled with the sounds of fire truck sirens and 90's boy bands."

"What happened if you don't mind me asking."

"My parents died when I was 16 and that left me to take care of my sister Sofi but, I did a lot of things I'm not proud of and it cost me alot of things in my life." She sighed opening up the cans and dumped the soup into the pot. "Somethings you can't take back princess. I can never see my k--"

"Camila, I never asked but how old are you?" I said. "You sound really mature to be 19."

She laughed. "I'm not 19, Lauren."

"Normani said you were 19."

She shook her head. "I met Normani when she was 19." Camila took her hair out of her messy bun and let the strands of her hair kiss her cheeks before putting a few strands behind her ear. "I'm 26."


Lauren's POV

"No, you're not." I laughed. There's no way possible that she's older than me. She looks twelve.

"Yes, I really am." Camila said, placing a cup of coffee in front of me.

"Just when I thought life was gonna make sense it doesn't."

I can't wrap this around my brain, Camila looks the same age as me. She talks like she's my age but, she's not. It honestly makes no sense at all. I'm not really judging but, I feel like someone just trapped me a bit. I'm only 18, I mean I'm almost 20 it's just that she's twenty-fucking-six. That's almost thirty. Then, again dating older women is kind of hot in some aspects of life.

Camila held her cup of coffee in her hand, she brought it up to her nose and smiled at the aroma. "I hope that doesn't bother you." She said before taking a sip.

I took a quick sip, "No, not really."

Camila laughed, "No or not really?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "No, it doesn't bother me." I smiled. 'It's kind of cool."

"Cool?" Camila asked furrowing her eyebrows.

I nodded, "Yeah, I mean. You can bring me alcohol."

She laughed again, "What's your obsession with alcohol?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's not an obsession, drinking calms my nerves."

Camila laughed even louder than she did before, "What nerves!?" She held onto her chest, "You're too young to even have nerves."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever Camila."

I watched as Camila licked her lips, they looked so perfect. She sat down next to me and sighed deeply. She laughed, "So.."

"So what?" I asked.

Camila shrugged her shoulders, "What's up with you wandering around by yourself all the time?"

I thought about it for a moment, I could tell her the honest truth but, I mean only Mani really knows the God honest truth about me and I really don't think Camila is ready for that. I know her but, I barely know her. Just because Dinah and Normani are dating that doesn't mean Camila and I have to have sleep overs and swap secrets together. Although, I know she really means well, it's just a precaution. Y'know? Gotta save myself before I save anyone else. Not letting people in is saving everyone. From me.

"I like to walk." I simply said.

Camila chuckled and began playing with her cup, "That was the most vague answer I have ever gotten." She said before taking another sip of coffee. "And Normani said you're the talker of your friendship."

I turned towards her, "Did she now?" I scoffed. "What else did she tell you?"

Camila shook her head, "Nothing much, she told me to get to know you for my self."

"Why do you want to know me?" I chuckled.

Camila faced me, "I find you very interesting." She said almost questioning herself a bit. "I mean, I don't think you're like most teens you're age. I know I wasn't. "

"Well you're rich, so I'm assuming we had different lives."

Camila shrugged again nonchalantly.  "Not so different at all."

How could she not be different than me? By looking at her house, Camila could have everything that she ever desired without even opening that pretty mouth of hers.

"We live on two completely different spectrums of our little world, Camila."

Camila took another sip of her coffee, "How so?" She asked folding her arms across her chest.

"You have everything you want, whether you buy it or not people give you everything you want." I said. "With me, it's not that simple. When people figure out who I am they never even look my way again." I added.

Camila rolled her eyes, "Their fucking loss, I guess." She sighed. "You really shouldn't worry about what people think of you, it's 2017 for fuck sakes. Screw what people say, be you and be fucking great."

"If only." I mumbled.

Camila began playing with her food again, twirling her fork into her pancake. "Well, I like you." She placed her fork down. "If that matters." She said looking directly into my eyes.

"Really?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

She nodded, and went back to eating her breakfast.

I smiled and did the same.

It matters.

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