Chapter 4: Come on! Hit me with the bread!

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On her way home, she looked at the field where she collapsed. It was very breathtaking to watch. Many children are playing football and other sorts of games in there. Suddenly, she was hit by a softball. Ouch. Oh what a coincident. This is the third weird thing that happened to Yui that day. She picked up the ball and then another ball flung, she bended to her right to dodge the ball. But unexpectedly, the ball hit her. Oh Gosh! Almost irritated, she still picked up the ball. Surprisingly, the second one that hit her was not actually a softball. As she opened it, she saw a delicious-looking bread. Bread has never appeared to her a delicious as this one. She really must be hungry. She looked everywhere, but she cannot spot anything odd. But anyways, thanks for this, I am really hungry. She looked for some place to eat it comfortably. And she found a log, it seemed clean to her. And she devoured it.

Woah. That girl can eat well.

She was hit by the same bread at the back of her head; and another bread hit her. This person must be having fun seeing me eat like I haven’t eaten in weeks. How about I hit you too? She hit randomly. And she hurt someone growled. Hmmph. “Thanks anyway. But I’m not someone you pity, but I’m taking this bread with me. And you can just leave the rest in this handkerchief. I’ll be back tomorrow,” she said it aloud to let that unknown person hear, then she slowly went away while eating the rest of the bread.

She had fun times with Min Choo and the old woman. Min Choo was a very energetic boy who is also competitive. After they ate dinner, the boy asked her for some help in his homework. She would admit that she is not very good with algebra, but having this boy correct and interrupt her during her lecture is really irritating. So, in the end, they chased each other and got themselves punished by the old woman by fetching more pails of water from the well and water the plants. Don’t think that their village is that uncivilized or remote that they don’t have a faucet running. Of course they do have. The old woman would just like to save money by letting them fetch pails of water the next morning.

It was almost 6:30 when Yui woke up, and so with Min Choo. They locked stares with each other. It means, who will get to fetch the 5 pails of water earlier will be the winner. Min Choo came first but unexpectedly, he tumbled down because the ground was slippery. His uniform was drenched wet.

She just told him to change to another uniform and that she’ll take over 2 pails that of his part. She was almost late when she finished everything and went to school. That day, Min Choo went ahead of her to the school.

Time was fast because she anticipated to go back to that place where she was hit by that flying bread. Funny right? The bell rang and class dismiss. Someone hit her again. It was the same bread that had hit her the day before. She is really now sure that this person must have admired her or stalking her. She hurriedly jumped towards a tree. If only she had taken one more step, she would have discovered her. Something had taken her leg, ants. She run and run and run. She’ll never go back there.

The next day, it is PE class. Their PE teacher was afraid that she would collapse again, so she let her watch at the side and told her that she’ll have to do write-ups or errands to catch up. She was asked by the teacher to deliver some things to the work area. When she was about to put that heavy thing on top, the things were about to crumble and fall, when suddenly, someone blocked it and put those things easily on top. Hmmm… Must be someone tall. When she looked at the person who did it, she saw the snobbish guy he saw at the town’s hall. 

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