Part 14 - Now What?

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"Now what?"
The words passed between you and for a while there was just silence, caught in a shroud of the unknown and undecided. But it was a completely necessary and valid question - what was going to happen now? Simon's flight had been called to begin boarding and you had only just agreed together that you didn't want this, whatever it was, happening between you to end, not yet anyway.
"I could stay..." he said, his eyes glancing backwards, probably trying to locate JJ amongst the continual sea of movement
"As much as  I hate to say it - no, I think you need out of Vegas. And to be honest, I think I need out of Vegas" you said, smiling at him and pointing at your black eye
You both laughed, his arms still cast around you onto your lower back and your hands gently on his chest looking up at him, much like the night in the penthouse -  neither of you wanting to let go in worry that it would all disappear once again.

"Sooooo are you two just going to stand there all day, or are you going to come back and tell us every detail, because I'm sick of waiting" Y/BF/N spoke out from behind Simon, JJ breaking out into his loud laugh and cackling beside her.
"Don't pretend you weren't spying on us already" you sassed back at her
"I would ne... just kidding, obviously I saw you kiss so I know something positive is going on" she winked
"So what are you doing now?" JJ asked, as if you would have already figured it out for yourselves in the three minutes you'd had together post-kiss
"We don't know" Simon said, only loud enough for you to hear, but you were sure JJ could figure out what he said
"Well, I don't want to rush you man, but you might want to sort it out like now, because either way I have a flight to catch" he said, arms pointing down the hallway in front of him.

You looked back at one another, it was insane how much damage and wonder the last four days had done to your both, but you couldn't help but think that this magical, fucked up Vegas experience would all disappear when you left, and you couldn't hide the worry as it crossed your face - you were suddenly an open book.
"What is it?" Simon asked you, and you paused to gather your thoughts and breathed in deeply before you began, quietly so only he would be able to hear you.
 "As much as I keep telling it to shut up, my brain can't stop telling me that we live in different worlds - how can we continue this thing outside of Vegas?" you said to him, "in the world of non-flashing lights and fakery of all sorts - I'm just another very normal, less than average looking and overall pretty boring....", you paused before saying the word, "...fangirl" you said, your eyes falling downwards to his great sweatshirt away from his face. He surprised you by moving his arms up to you wrap around your upper back and pulling your body into his, your face pressing against his chest as he nuzzled his face in beside your ear
"If there is one thing I've learnt in the time I've known you it's that you are anything but normal, definitely not boring, and you have no idea how beautiful you are" he said into your ear, his words filled with sincerity and etching there way across your skin and filling your insides with tingles, like tiny fireworks exploding in every cell in your body. You were blushing and smiling like an idiot, and you were glad that your face was into his chest and the words only went to you - this moment was yours to share alone, just like on the rooftop that night.
"Simon, seriously man, hurry the fuck up" JJ said, moving closer towards you both
"Alright, I'll meet you at the gate in 5, you and Y/BF/N head there - so at least you can hold the plane or something" he said, obviously trying to get back to it just being the two of you.

They did as he asked and left, Y/BF/N nodding at you as she walked away, you knew she was telling you to do what you had to - you didn't need words to understand that.
"Come with me" Simon said, catching you off guard, your eyes shooting up into his
"What?" you said, genuinely not being sure how that was his solution or if you'd heard him correctly
"Yeah, why not, just come with me? I'm not ready to let you go and if I have to go home then I want you to be there" he said smiling, you couldn't tell if he was being genuine or if he was just kidding, he seemed sincere but the idea was ridiculous
"I can't just go to London" you laughed, his reaction making you realise how genuine he thought this proposal was
"Firstly, I don't have any stuff, it's all back at the hotel. Secondly, we've only known each other four days and now you want me to fly to another country with you? Simon babe, I think they missed a bleed in your brain from the other night, because you've lost it" you giggled
"Hey that's not nice!" he poked you in the side "but we can replace your stuff and if there is one thing you've taught me it's that sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith, even if it's not logical... that's why I went after you, even with Cal being around, I knew I had to" he leant in and kissed you on the forehead, the sparks again igniting throughout your body.
"You're serious, aren't you?" you said, your heart starting to pound a little harder against your chest
"I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't" he replied instantly
"I can't come with you right now..." you hesitated, "...but...maybe"
"Maybe what?" he said eagerly
"I could come tonight" you said, not being sure if you actually believed in your own words, but from his reaction, he certainly did. He lifted you up by the waist in front of his body and your legs instantly locked around him
"I'll push my long haul flight back - I'll let JJ go ahead and I'll wait for you in San Fran, we can have some time just the two of us before I whisk you away to another country, if that'd make it better?" he said, pressing his lips into yours with a smile forming in the corner of his lips as he kissed you.
"The insanity continues" you said with a giggle as he put you down
"and I wouldn't have it any other way" he said

The sharp shrill voice once again felt the need to ruin the moment "BA flight 801 is paging the following guest: Mr. Simon Minter, Mr. Simon Minter if you are in the terminal please proceed directly to gate 77, your flight is in the final stages of boarding".
"Time to go Mr. Minter" you said, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the hallway, running down it like little children who wanted to stay out and play during recess, but didn't want to be in trouble for being late to class.

As you reached the gate and he handed over his boarding pass he turned to you and pulled you close, "I'll see you in San Fran, text me when you've sorted out the details and I'll arrange your flight"
"See you soon Mr.Minter" you teased, leaning closer to his face
"You too beautiful" he replied, but as your lips were about to touch he pulled away
"What the hell?" you said
"No kissing me again until San Fran, that's how I'm ensuring you'll come, I'm holding my body hostage from you" he laughed
"How do you know I'll come for that? Seems like a long way for nothing" you responded, sticking out your tongue
"Because, it's me" he said clapping his hands together and rubbing them while winking at you, all while being ushered down the ramp towards the plane.

As Y/BF/N approached you, you just stood there staring at the closed gate doors,  with your heart beating at twice the speed in your chest and a smile spread across your face so big it would eventually hurt your cheeks, you couldn't have been happier.
Were you really about to do this? Not only fly to a different city, but maybe a different country with a man you'd known for four days?
But no matter how hard your brain tried to get in some rational thoughts, your heart wouldn't rest - the problem was it wasn't just a man you'd known for four days... was Simon Minter.

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