Chapter 4

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Dinah texted Maite a week later asking her if she'd like to join her and the others girls to a party celebrating the release of an album of an artist they knew. She didn't know whose party it was, but she immediately responded that she would love to go. 

She had never really been the party type. In high school, she wasn't invited to any parties hosted by her peers other than small birthday parties thrown by her close friends that she considered more of like a gathering rather than a party. But she had never been to a party where underage people consumed alcohol or did various drugs. In the news she would always hear about how wild celebrity parties could get and she imagined that this party wasn't going to be different. 

All of this thinking was making her regret her decision of accepting to go, but she wasn't going to back out now. She already told Dinah that she would go and she didn't want to back out and make Dinah think she didn't want to hang out with her. 

So sticking to her decision, she decided that she should pick out an outfit to wear before Dinah showed up to get her. Unfortunately, she wasn't sure what to wear. Rummaging through her closet, she settled on wearing a blue summer dress since it was in fact summer. The dress had small flowers of many different colors on it and to sport her dress, she threw on matching blue high heels. Next came the makeup. Since her mom didn't allow her to wear makeup until she was in high school, she wasn't used to using it, but now she was appearing on live T.V. and well covered events and found that she had to use makeup frequently. She applied a natural pink lipstick color and curled her dark hair. After giving herself a once-over in her full length body mirror and spraying herself with her favorite perfume that had a fruity scent, she decided that she was ready to go.

Dinah followed the directions on her phone and found herself outside a small apartment complex a little ways out of the main city. Pulling out her phone, she sent Maite a quick text message letting her know that she was outside. Barely two minutes later, the passenger side door opened and Dinah's eyes widened once she saw the other girl. 

They greeted each other and Dinah gave her a quick hug, "you look so good." 

Smiling shyly, Maite responded, "thank you. You look great, too."

"I know," Dinah said, smirking while pulling the car out of the parking lot. 

Maite smiled at her comment.

From her large diamond earrings and slightly curled dirty blonde hair, to her glittery gold, skin tight dress that brought out the tall girls curves, the Polynesian girl looked fierce.

She loved Dinah's confidence. It wasn't cocky or pretentious, she thought it to be more of inspiring. She couldn't help but want to be as confident as the other girl was.

Fifth Harmony's latest album played quietly as they rode to the party. Maite was in awe as she observed the city around her. She had just moved to Miami a few weeks ago and hadn't had the time to go out and explore the city. Rehearsing for the upcoming tour and promoting her new single was occupying most of her time.

"Whose party is this?" Maite asked, taking her gaze off of the city and settling it on to Dinah.

Dinah kept her focus on the road but answered, "Shawn Mendes, he just released a new album. I think it's called 'Illuminate.' "

"It's his party, oh my God! I love his music!" Maite exclaimed. 

Her stomach flipped at the thought that she was going to The Shawn Mendes's party. Dinah took a quick glance at the girl sitting by her and saw how hard she was smiling.

"You're a pretty big fan, I take it?" Dinah noticed.

"Y-Yeah," she laughed.

"Well, then I'll make sure that you get to meet him tonight."

Maite felt her heart speed up. Her life was so different from what it had been just a couple of months ago, she couldn't believe that this all was happening to her.

They arrived at a mansion. She noted all the expensive cars lined up up in the long driveway. Her jaw dropped slightly once she noticed how many stories the mansion was, it had to be at least four. 

"Holy shit," she gasped.

Dinah chuckled," I reacted the same way at my first celebrity party. You'll get used to it."

Maite didn't think she would ever get used to this. It was like she was transported into another world where everything was more expensive and fancier. 

"Come on, let's go," Dinah said, once she had parked. The girls both exited the car and made their way inside. People were everywhere, dancing, sitting, drinking, or smoking. There was a weird smell in the air, kind of like perfume/cologne mixed with alcohol.

She felt a hand grab her wrist and pull her further into the house. Soon, she and Dinah reached the backyard. She saw the rest of the girls plus a few people she didn't know sitting with them.

"Hi," Maite greeted to the girls. 

Camila was the first on who noticed her, "Maite! It's so good to see you!" She jumped up and gave the Argentinian a quick hug.

"Let me introduce you to everyone," Camila tugged on her hand. She pointed to a tall, Latin boy with brown hair, "this is Marcus, he's an actor." She pulled her in front of another guy, "this is Jack, he's an actor, too."

That continued on until Camila had finished introducing her to everyone who was sitting with them. She had met so many people in such a short amount of time that she couldn't remember any of their names. 

Every so often her eyes would travel to a certain green-eyed girl who was wearing a white strapless dress and black heels. Lauren's eyes stood out even more than they usually did. Maite figured that she put on mascara. It was almost painful to her gaze off the girl's red lips. Camila had been telling her something, but she didn't hear a word of it, but when Camila laughed, she figured it'd be best if she copied her.

Music off of Shawn's new album was blasting from the speakers set up outside. It was starting to get darker and colder outside. As she looked around, she noticed that the girls, except for Camila, and a few other people remained outside. Camila had said she was tired and had left a while ago.

Her and Lauren had exchanged a few words when she had arrived. She wanted to approach her once more, but was too afraid to.

Lauren stood up, "I'm gonna get a drink. It's time that this party really started. Anyone else coming?"

Maite saw this as her chance to talk her, "yeah."


Hope you're enjoying the story so far. Sorry this chapter is short. 

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