Chapter 38

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As soon as Maite hung up her phone she heard someone shifting their feet behind her.

"Wow," the voice said, stunned.

Maite was caught off guard and turned around.

The disappointment she was met with made her regret making the call.

"You were just going to leave like? Without discussing it with anyone first," Dinah shook her head, her wavy hair shaking in the process.

"It wasn't like that, Dinah," Maite blurted, even though it kind of was the way the Polynesian had described it.

Maite had had no intent to discuss her departure with anyone. The thought to leave had just popped into her head and she rolled with it. She didn't think of how it would affect the other girls.

"Then what was it like," Dinah shouted, growing frustrated, "You know what, forget it. I guess we aren't as close as I thought we were."

Maite shook her head repeatedly, "Dinah, no-"

"I have to get on stage," the Polynesian cut her off.

Dinah turned on her heel, flicking her hair behind her shoulder, and then stormed off.

It was like the world was out the get Maite lately, even though she admits she did call that upon herself.

But Dinah had to understand, seeing Lauren act like nothing happened between herself and the Cuban was killing her. It was the worst pain she had ever felt. It was like part of her was missing since Lauren left. She had no idea what to do with herself. Distractions worked a little or the time but she was stuck with Lauren 24/7.

Even though Dinah was upset, Maite knew she was making the right choice.

She had to get out of there.

Even though she really didn't want to leave Lauren, she knew deep down, that it was what was best for herself. How was she supposed to get over someone if she was reminded of them everyday.

She'd just have to talk to Dinah after the show.

That is if the girl would even talk to her.

Maite had never seen Dinah so upset. Her brown eyes were so furious, she felt bad for making Dinah that mad.

She had to talk to her. It's not that she truly wanted to leave, she loved the girls and loved performing, but the pain that she was feeling had to come first. She felt like she was slowly going insane.


The show ended and Maite decided that she should wait to talk to Dinah until she was walking out of the arena.

Her plan didn't work out the way she thought it would.

Maite had been leaning against the wall by the door and had been patiently waiting to see a familiar tall, blonde girl walk through.

Once Dinah finally had walked out, Maite had caught up to her and asked her if they could talk.

But she was met with silence.

She tried again and tried to explain her actions from earlier but Dinah didn't even look in her direction.

Maite eventually just slowed down her pace so she'd fall behind Dinah. It was clear that her attempts to talk where useless. Dinah wasn't interested in anything she had to say.

Dinah had been her closest friend on tour. Maite had been getting closer to Mila lately, but it wasn't the same. Dinah had been there for her since the first day they met. She was the first one she'd go to if she was having problems with Lauren. They teased each other but would knock someone out if they hurt one of the two.

It was all of that bonding that led her to consider Dinah to be like a sisterly figure. Maite was an only child and so she was extremely excited when she found someone like Dinah.

But now she had lost Dinah and Lauren.

Climbing into her bunk, she noticed something different.

The bunk across from hers, which was Lauren's bunk, had a different blanket on it and different pillows. Upon further inspection, Maite noticed that all of Lauren's things were gone.

Instead, she saw Camila's banana pillow laying on the bed and Camila's notebook.

It was clear what had happened to her.

Lauren and Camila had switched bunks.

It hurt her that Lauren didn't even want to be near her anymore.

Was she really that repulsive?

A week ago, Lauren would have asked Maite to join her on her bunk to cuddle, but now, everything was different.

How did Lauren's attraction to her just disappear over night?

Maite felt the tears coming on again and she quickly climbed onto her bunk. She was sick of crying but she couldn't stop it from happening.

Not too long later, she heard the voices of Ally, Normani, and Camila come on to the bus. Dinah had already retreated to her bunk before Maite had gotten on the bus and there was no sign of Lauren.

"Can you believe she went off with him?" She heard Normani whisper.

"I know, I just can't believe it. She always talked about Maite and never about him, she never once brought him up-the last time was when we shot the video with him, and now he's here taking her on dates," she heard Ally say.

"Guys, hush," Camila's high voice whispered, "I think she's in here."

Maite just rolled over in her bunk and covered her ears with pillows.

Lauren went on a date with Ty?

They had been broken up for three days. Just three days. And she was already on a date with someone else.

Even though she was extremely pissed and hurt, she missed the girl.

She pulled out her phone and began going through her text messages with Lauren.

They were mostly filled with random conversation or terrible flirts, but she loved it. Occasionally she'd come across selfies that Lauren had taken of herself.

The tears streamed down her face.

This just made her stick to her decision from earlier even more.

Just six more days left and she was free.


idk how this turned out lol it's late and there's prob typos..THANKS FOR READING

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