Chapter 28

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A week and a half had passed since Lauren and Maite had come out as a couple and everything was going fine but they hadn't had much time for themselves. Every day they had the same routine; wake up, eat, get ready for the show, have the show, then drive to the next place. All of this caused Maite to be beyond exhausted. She didn't imagine this was what touring would be like. She knew it would be intense and time consuming, but she didn't know that it would be to this extent. She yearned for the breaks into between shows. And If she was really lucky they'd get a day break in between shows, Maite lived for those days. She'd cuddle with Lauren and sleep the day away, or sometimes she'd go exploring whatever city they were in if Lauren begged her enough. That was the only time she could relax for a little bit. Needless to say, she was tired.

The other girls were handling the touring just fine. Of course they were tired, but they were used to it. They have had crazy schedules for years. Plus, it was much easier when they had each other to depend on in the shows. But for Maite, she was by herself. If she messed up, then there was no one there to help her. The pressure was starting to get to her. At the beginning of the tour she was so full of excitement because it was all new to her, but now it was starting to feel like a repetitive cycle. She felt like she was stuck in a rut and that there was no way out. She felt trapped. It was like a roller coaster. At first, your heart is beating super fast and you're extremly excited, and when the rides over you get in line again immediately. But at some point that gets old.

However, she knew it wouldn't be right to say that. She wasn't trapped at all. This is what she has always wanted. She loved it and was grateful to have the opportunity to live out her dream. She had it easy. Her discovery happened by pure chance and her career took off well, so she felt like she shouldn't complain. There were so many people out there that would kill to be where she was. So, with that thought in her head, she tried to suck out her complaints because she knew there were greater problems in the world.

On a better note, her relationship with Lauren was going great. They were able to hold hands and give each other little pecks here and there in front of the crew. But they weren't out to the public. They knew that the fans and paparazzi wouldn't give them privacy. Everyone was in their business enough and they didn't want to add to that.

They were currently in Providence, Rhode Island. At least that's what Maite thought. Every stage was starting to look the same to her. Her brain felt foggy and she felt tired constantly. Her appetite was almost nonexistent and she knew she was losing weight. It's not that she didn't want to eat, she just couldn't. Food would make her nauseous, it'd feel disgusting in her mouth. 

Lauren noticed that something was wrong with the brown-eyed girl, but every time she questioned Maite, the Argentinean would reply that she was fine and just tired from the show. 

"Babe, have you eaten?" Lauren asked, eyeing Maite who was mindlessly strumming her guitar.

The girl in question looked up and answered, "Not hungry."

Lauren sighed and plucked a banana off a fruit basket that was given to the crew, "please, Maite. You need to eat. I'm worried about you."

At that Maite put down her guitar, feeling guilt overcome her, and beckoned Lauren over with her finger. She didn't mean for Lauren to worry, that was the last thing she wanted. 

Obeying, the Cuban approached the younger girl. She felt Maite's fingers trace circles on her thigh where her skin was exposed from her ripped jeans. 

"You don't need to worry, Lauren," Maite said, watching her fingers touch the creamy skin. 

Lauren pulled Maite's head to her stomach, dropping the banana in her grip, and running her fingers through her hair, "You're not the same. You look tired all the time and you seem unfocused, but yet stressed out all the time. Please, Patito, tell me what's wrong."

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