Pink school, why?

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So much dialogue, sorry if it's confusing at some parts I tried😖

"NEKO-CHAN, ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL" Mistukuni came running and screaming into my room. So loud. I lifted my palms to my eyes as I turned to glance at my clock to see the time. 5:45. He got me up at 5:45. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HIM. "Mistukuni, I love you, but, if you don't back away from this room in the next ten seconds, your not going to school for the next month." I meant every word in that sentence. Smartly for him he quietly backed away fearing his life. You should be afraid. I smiled at myself as I snuggled deeper into my bed going back to dream about whatever came to mind.

Not even 5 minutes past before my door slammed open and some one literally pulled me out of bed making me land on the floor with 'thunk' and a very inhumanly growl. I looked up to see who my next victim was going to be to see a smirking Jacob towering over me. (He's been piss at me because he found me in a paint mess at the school and had to pay people to come clean everything up and also apologize to my parentS. That was a fun lecture. Note the sarcasm) "planning on laying your ass there all day or are you actually going to get up" "my ass, quite liked it up on the bed, until YOU disturbed us" I huff and I puff as I stood up and walked out of the room not changing or picking up the mess on the floor but instead slamming the door and going downstairs to make breakfast.

I stumbled in to the kitchen pulling out a glass bowl and poured Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I placed the box back on the counter as I went to get a soda can from the fridge. While I was getting a can from the fridge I also found blueberries, delicious blueberries. I took the whole pack and brought it with me to the table with the other things.

I started eating when Mistukuni came down still in his pjs to. Soon Chika then mom then dad came down and it was all of us eating. Boy, what a fun conversation.

"Koneko, you're drinking soda, THIS early." "And your complaining, THIS early" dad glanced over to us to see what the bickering was about. "Koneko, you are a agent, you should be eating healthy" "I'm an agent, NOT a weight lifter" Mistukuni giggled before saying "neko-chan has a good point" "thank you Mistukuni, but still, you ever wake me up before 7 you don't leave this house alive" Mistukuni shrunk back it to his seat before Jacob came "careful, she'll go demon mode if your not careful" I let out a inhuman growl at him before saying "haha, aren't you a comedian" I went back to my food popping a blueberry in my mouth every so often. "at least I'm dressed for the day" "excuse me, but I just woke up" "it's 6:50" "ok, I just woke up a hour ago" geez why is everyone here against me. "Neko-chan, you should join the host club" I sweat drop either honey's attempt to change the subject, or my brother thinks I would be good at flirting with boys "that's sweet-" "she's not joining that dumb club, she's joining the karate club" I see Chika and honey still don't get along "she's tattle T in music, she should join the music club" how does mom even know there a music club at school "but she's better at dance. So she should join that club" why the hell is Jacob apart of this. "Hacking, she's joining the computer club" OMG DAD. WHAT THE HELL.

So it was a war on what club I should join and with everyone having there own club in mind this wasn't going to end well.

I slipped from the table careful not to draw attention as I made my way up the stairs. Welcome home to me. I got to my room as I started to get changed. What the hell in satan's name is this. It looks like a lemon, a really itchy lemon.  I tossed the dress to the side before going on line searching ouran high school dress code. And it came up with the following requirements

•Dress must be yellow
•Must have sleeves
•Must be at or past knee length
•Must consist of another decoration on the dress
•must cover chest area
•no inappropriate showing of skin, language, or images.

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