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Sam sat in the back of Bobby's car, exhausted. It had easily been one of the longest weeks of his life. To think, that it all started because he was running away from his life as a hunter, and now, he had taken part in his first real hunt, something dad would probably never know.

Bobby was still mad at them, especially when Dean told him that he had run away to camp. But somehow, Bobby was filled with a little understanding. They just wondered if and when Bobby would tell dad.

They pulled into a gas station, just a few miles outside of town and Bobby got out getting some gas and food. As soon as Bobby was out of the car Dean turned around and looked over the seat at his brother.

"Still awake?" He asked Sam

"Barely" Sam said in a sleepy voice.

"Hey listen, what I said back there...." Dean paused, never really able to just say sorry, they always danced around it, even though they both knew what the other was trying to say.

"I know." Sam said. "Me too"

Dean nodded, looked out the window for a minute. "You did good, Sam. I know I was hard on you back there, but the truth is... I would have done the same thing."

"I know." Sam said looking at his big brother. "That's why I did it."

Dean smiled, as much as he hated the thought of Sam doing something dumb for him, he was glad to know that he had someone who would have his back too. They were lucky to have each other. If there was one thing that their dad had done right, it was to show them that.

It didn't take long to get back into town, and for the first time ever, it was nice to know that they had a home to go home to. As they pulled into the driveway they saw a familiar car. Dad was home.

The boys were nervous, as they walked into the house, waiting for Bobby to spill the beans on them. John Stood up off the couch almost immediately as they walked through the door. He stood up and grabbed Sam and Dean at the same time. Giving each a kiss on the head... he looked like he had been fighting tears.

"Where the hell have you two been?" He said.

"Camping." Bobby said as he walked through the door. "Thought I'd take them out and give them a break from life in town while you were away. Sorry John, I tried to get a hold of you but..."

"It's okay thanks Bobby, for being here for them." He said as he looked at his sons. "I was so worried something happened. "Leave a note or something next time will ya? Save your old man a heart attack?"

"Sure Dad." Dean said. "Next time."

After a few minutes, everyone settled in for the night, Bobby staying the night, dad pulling out an old army cot for his friend. Sam and Dean headed off to bed, more happy than ever to be in their own beds.

Dean took his shirt off and fell into bed, covering up; he was nearly asleep before Sam even turned the light off.

"Dean?" Sam started as he laid down on his bed,

"Mmm?" He made a noise

"Thank you" He said simply.

"Mmhhmmm... sure thing Sammy" He said back.

Sam knew that if Dean hadn't come after him when he did, that there was a high possibility that he and all his friends would have been killed tonight, but now he got to fall asleep in his Home, safe and sound with his family of hunters. With that last thought Sam drifted off to a much needed sleep.


There he was in the field, the opening surrounded by walls of trees. It was dark, not even the moon was out tonight. He stood there in the wet grass, barefooted and cold. 'How do I always end up here' he thought to himself. But this time he started to walk, back the way that he had come. There was no one in the field, so there was no reason for him to be there. As he walked back up to the road, he saw his group of friends from Camp, all sitting around on rocks and logs, being completely silent, watching him.

"Why are you guys out here? It's the Middle of the night!" Sam said

He got no response, just more starring, that's when he saw her. Sitting in a white night gown, on the rock that had been near where they found Jed's body. She was looking down at her feet, twisting a strand of her hair, humming and unfamiliar tune.

"What do you want from me?" Sam asked, though he was afraid.

At first it seemed that she had not heard him, and so he tried again. "What do you need?"

She stopped humming and twirling and just for a second sat there in silence, until she looked up at him, her eyes darker than the sky, completely black, she stared at him "Save me!" She yelled at him in a voice that seemed louder than possible.

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