Chapter 6: Not a whole day

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Chapter 6: Not a whole day but a whole story

Hector's PoV

He's here but what the fuck is he doing here.

All those traumatic years he did and now his back to ruin her again. Those past 7 years that I left Eleya I know I can't protect her anymore with this bastard and only heaven knows what happened when I was gone which surely is something that scarred her for life.

I want to punch him straight in the face and smash his head to erase his face from that head and that would satisfyingly make up for all of those fucking years of hardship he gave her.

I got a hold from all of my anger as she stared at him straightly and tears started to form around her eyes. I wanna hold her right now but the rejection I'll get from gaving to see this guy he once loved would pain me. I just stood beside her and tried to hugged her trying to block him away from her sight and started cooing her and not to my surprise he broke the hug and pushed me away.

I look at her, as her tears trickled down her cheeks contineously like waterfalls and it hurt me seeing her sad again after those long sad years. I wan't to see her smiling that's why I brought here her not to make her cry.

She shoved me out of the way and stepped forwards while this fucker stood there looking sad and I know how fake that façade is from what he really is.

“What are you doing here ?,” Eleya tried to voice out as tears just run more from her cheeks.

“Eleya I'm hear to apologize to you,” he replied back and tried to touch her but she flinch and move back.

And thats when I decide to take a hold of the matter and walked in front Eleya blocking him from seeing her and pushed him away.

“Who are you ? Move man.”

“If you fucking think I'll let you touch my wife you're wrong, don't you ever lay a finger on her or I'll break those bone of yours,” I threatened glaring at him and shoving him more so he could be far away as much as possible from Eleya. From my big figure I have surpassed his height and stature unlike when we we're in highschool so I don't have a problem just pushing him off and showing him who's at the top now.

He tried doing the same pushing me but I didn't even budge from his weak force, what a try-hard.

I got worried about Eleya and I don't want her to be just standing there crying because I know how easy she gets sleepy from doing so, so I instructed her to get in the car and she complied making me guard her away from this jerk.

When I knew that she was already in the car, I tried to take advantage of her being not her because I wouldn't want her to see me as a bad person as I am.

“Look here Carlos, I don't know how you found us here but never ever get close to her ever again,” I said as a last warning and pushed him off.

“I don't know who you are or how you knew my name but I'll get her from you no matter what,” he spat.

I would want to just leave him alone and walked out like I didn't hear him but he just have to open his mouth and threaten me to stole my wife from me. I clenched my fist hard from the anger boiling up inside me and punched him straight in the face making him stumble and bleed from his nose.

I left him there in his bloody state but I don't care and he can fucking cry for all I care.

I got into the car and saw that she was still crying, not that much and the tears have subsided but the involuntary hiccups are present and make me want to cuddle her but I know that now is not the time.

I drove out of the park and back to the mansion where she will need to be because any second by now she will be sleeping from crying her eyes out.

My poor baby have to see that guy again and he had the audacity to pop out in front of her. I won't take care of him for any matter because I know my threat in punch with be a good warning for him to stay out of Eleya again.

“I'm sorry that you have to see me like this,” she said in her voice in between her hiccups.

“It's fine, you don't have to be sorry,” I tried to assure her.

“I just can't help it when I saw him,”  she said.

“If its fine for you, who was that guy anyway ?,” I asked pretending not knowing him.

There was a moment of silence and I think she's probably not ready to share it with me anytime sooner but then she answered me.

“He was Carlos my highschool bully, he was once before my boyfriend but then we broke up and bullied me too with my friend with me. He was a great guy but then he started acting different and started hurting a lot of guys. That's when I got involved and he started hurting me too but I can't do anything because I was so afraid of him. He would punch and extort from people while he gets off from doing all of those things just because he have connections but what hurt me the most is what he did to him. I can bear all the hurtful things and words thrown at me but he just have to involve others and use me to make them feel bad. And I regret for not knowing so early because I have to lose someone so important,” she said then started sobbing.

My grip on the steering wheel got tighter until my knuckles turn white and I was fuming as I remember exactly all of those things she said.


We got out of the car and as just expected she would fall asleep, and before we even got home she was already sleeping with those big puffed eyes from crying and I feel so bad right now.

I carried her bridal style not wanting to wake her up because I know that she's tired and she deserves to have a long nap.

I got into the room putting her and pulling the cover over her leaving her there in her comfort. I looked at her figure in the bed and I definitely would want to sleep next to her and snuggle up with her. But I can't leave those paperworks that needed to be finished and I would want to be back again and check her and maybe sleep next to her after finishing them.

I got into my office and start reading some documents but everytime that I tried to focus the more that I think more about her. And I would be very much more interested in being next to her than doing this things.

I hurriedly tried to finish almost half after an hour but I can't take reading much motr anymore so I decided to check up on her and maybe see if she's already awake.

Once I saw her in the bed sprawled out seducing me from the position she was in I can't help but think of those nasty thing that I definitely want to come true. She was sleeping facing me and her long legs are clasped together and up to her stomach where I saw her flat belly from the way her cloth moved up and her chest are peeking through the clothes in which I can see her brassiere.

I licked my lips at the sight and my body began heating all of a sudden, I would want to have her right now but just seeing her there innocently seducing me. I'm hard from the sight and I'm restraining myself from doing anything that would wake her up. And I still have half of the paperworks to finish, I groaned internally from just remembering that there's still a lot but that did got my erection out of my body.

I walked out of the room leaving her there without making a noise and got back to my office where I'll just have to fix this by myself.


It's probably a little shorter

But I tried ‘>~<

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