Chapter 7 : Moving to the Mansion

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Chapter 7: Moving to the Mansion


Eleya's PoV

I just woke up from napping because I become tired of crying. I was so disappointed about so many things like : not hanging out with Hector for the whole day outside, for seeing Carlos and for telling my story to Hector. I know that he would think that I cried because of a lame story but I know to myself that it is not.


Hector is not here today, I always wait at him at our hidden spot in the school to hang out but not for half an hour late. I'm still here beside the tree thinking that he got sick so he's not here.

*After 5 minutes*

I decide to find Hector myself , thinking that I only have 20 minutes more and that he would not come.

I slowly slip from the bushes but not after seeing the coast is clear. I started walking to the hall making myself unnoticed from the crowd but as I continue walking I could hear murmurs and whispers hearing my name. But I couldn't blame them, Why wouldn't they ? I Eleya Scorton a small town girl who was typical to have a friend rejected the most popular boy in school, Carlos Marquez.

Carlos Marquez as everyone knows the most hot, rich and girls would die for him, he came from Spain living here in New York because of their family business. And one thing girls really like about him including me is his accent. But I tried to avoid students like him, I try to avoid getting into trouble because of  the  'populars'. And I don't like Carlos, honestly.

Before I can go inside the cafeteria, which where me and Hector meet sometimes, someone pulled my wrist. I thought it was Hector that I let out a bright smile but my smile faded after realizing it was not Hector but none other than Carlos.

" What do you want Carlos ?," I tried not to be mean but I could not hide my annoyance. People from not too far away started to glare and whisper things which could be heard loudly not really a whisper but a murmur.

" I wanted to talk to you," he said dragging me to the library I didn't even try to stop him because he have this serious look on his face knowing its something really important.

After going to somewhere really secluded part of the library that is hidden Carlos let go of my hand and faced me with a worried expression.

" He left," was all he said looking at the floor not facing me. At first I didn't understand what he meantbut then it dawned on me that he was talking about Hector.

" What do you mean left ?," I asked confused.

" He gave me this before he left saying he can't give this to you and I saw that his really in a hurry,"he said symphatetically like he already know.

I eyed him and the paper before snatching it away from his hands.

I open the paper and it said :

Dear Eleya,

I know that we've known each other for exactly a year yesterday. I know that neither of us won't forget what happened in that day that we first met. I never in the whole year of being with you had a chance to say how grateful I am that I met you and be friends with you. But a personal problem had come abruptly than I couldn't even tell you personally so maybe you would understand that I cannot be at school. And I think I can never be able to go back.

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