girl like you.

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Request: Could you do a Johnson imagine that Y/N gets jealous over a girl at the like that shoot?

"I ain't ever met a girl, mm, mm." I hummed as I walked around the set, sending smiles and small waves to whoever I passed. The song's been playing throughout the place all day; it was impossible not to sing along. Now we were taking a break to head to the park for the second half of the music video, and I could finally have a little bit of time with my boyfriend. I've spent most of the day watching him be intimate with another girl, and honestly it did bother me a little bit, but I knew he was only following the director's ideas. Seeing him up ahead, I smiled as I scurried up behind him, throwing my arms around his torso.

"Hi, baby!" I greeted in excitement while he turned around to hug me.

"Ayyy! There's my gorgeous girl. Where you been all day?" He questioned, pressing a small kiss to my forehead before releasing me from his hold. I shrugged, acting as if I had been bored the whole time.

"Oh, you know, just hanging around and watching my boyfriend be all up on another girl." I said jokingly, just to see what he'd say about it. I didn't want him to know that I was actually jealous because I didn't want him thinking that I was clingy. He just rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, waving it off.

"Aw c'mon, Y/N. You know none of that is real. You're my girl. Capiche?" He wagged a stern finger at me, although a light smile remained on his lips. In response, I stuck my tongue out at him before putting my hand over his finger and pushing it away. The director then called out for everyone to start moving so that they could finish before sundown. Taking Jack's hand into mine, I laced our fingers together as we began to walk. "On the real, though, how do you like the music video so far?" He asked.

"It's great!" I answered sincerely, nodding my head. "You all look amazing, and I really think it's gonna blow up big."

Unfortunately for me, my alone time with Jack didn't last long as he was pulled away for some more shots only moments later. I didn't mind that, because I was here for support, not alone time. It also was amusing to watch the boys try out their acting skills; I couldn't help but laugh at how stiff they were at times. As the whole crew got to the park, we were directed to the basketball courts, and the rest of the shooting was quick to begin. I sat back on the sidelines, watching with a smile while the boys did their lip-syncing parts.

It was all fun and games up until the video girls joined to play some basketball. I should have ignored it, but it was difficult not to watch what Jack was doing. I could feel the jealousy resurfacing inside me, and although Jack's reassuring words from earlier swirled in my mind, what I saw overshadowed whatever he said. He seemed to be a little too close to that girl, and I hated it. I tried to push away the negative feelings, but the longer I watched them, the stronger they grew. I willed myself to turn away when he decided to 'teach' her how to shoot, and instead directed all my focus onto my phone for the rest of the time.

Filming had gone on a lot longer than I thought it would, and by the time they finished, I was practically drowning in a mix of aggravation, exhaustion, and jealousy. Somewhere in the middle of it all, the boys had gone shirtless due to the heat, making it worse on me as Johnson headed back to me.

"Hey, baby. Sorry this took so long." He greeted, moving to kiss my lips but I turned my head so he met my cheek instead. My annoyance must have been clear as day because he noticed my attitude right off the bat, and he's usually the most oblivious person on Earth. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I muttered, giving him the cold shoulder as I turned to grab my stuff. "Are you all done now? I wanna go home."

"Well, yeah, but I don't wanna leave until you tell me what's up." He insisted, standing his ground with crossed arms to top off the look. We were both being stubborn, and from the looks of it, he was going to be the one to get his way. There was a rather intense stare down between us for what seemed like hours but was only minutes, before I gave in with a huff.

"I don't like how you were acting with that girl." I murmured quickly under my breath, not bothering to look him in the eye.


"I think you heard me." I spoke up because I didn't want to repeat myself. I felt stupid saying it all out loud; it made me feel like an obsessive girlfriend.

"No, I didn't. Y/N, what did you say?" He urged, stepping closer. I sighed and threw my hands up before gesturing towards the girl he was with.

"I didn't like how you were acting with her, okay!" I admitted in a huff. "I know what you said earlier, but that sure as hell didn't look anything like acting to me." I tried to keep my voice low, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention towards us. It was growing increasingly difficult to do so, however, because Jack was being so nonchalant about it.

"I don't understand what you're stressing over. I literally just met her last week, and you think I'm into her?" I shrugged, looking to the side. I was sounding more and more stupid with each passing word. "What do I have to do to prove to you that she means nothing to me? Filming's all done; I probably won't even see her again." I remained silent. What was I even supposed to say? I couldn't thoroughly explain my jealous feelings, and his words weren't really making me feel better either. I still felt uneasy. I guess it was noticeable because after a few moments, he walked closer to me, placing his hands on my hips. "Babe. I know it's not easy to see me with another girl. I'd hate it too if I were in your position. But you need to know that she means absolutely nothing to me, okay?" He spoke softly, bringing his hand beneath my chin to tilt it up towards him. "I don't even remember her name. Whoops?" Surprisingly enough, that evoked a small laugh from me, which caused him to smile. "There's that smile!" He sang teasingly.

"Shut up, you're stupid." I muttered, turning my head away from his touch. He was quick to bring me back, though, and I never minded being in his hold. Looking up at him, I smacked his arm. "Stop being so charming. It's getting harder to fight off these girls." With a fake pout on his lips, he tapped the end of my nose.

"I'll try to get uglier then." He grinned as I laughed, finally letting up after feeling so low the whole day. "So we're okay, right? No more jealousy?" I shook my head.

"No more jealousy." With those words, he smiled triumphantly before leaning down to press a small kiss to my lips.

"Good. Now we can go celebrate with some good ol' greasy fast food."

"Ooh, my favorite." I cheesed, wrapping my arms around his torso while he hung his arm around my shoulders as we walked off.

Jack Johnson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now