Chapter Twelve

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Zayn’s POV

“Shit.” I look at Niall and Harry and see they have the same expression as me, and then I look at Harley. “You little bitch.”

“Zayn, what are we going to do?” Niall speaks running his fingers through his hair.

“I-I… Fuck.”

I look past Niall and see Harry punch Harley in the face and watch her fall to the ground. I try to keep myself calm, but I don’t know what to do. This has never happened to us. We always kill our victims.

“Zayn!” I look at Harry and shake my head.

“Burn it.” I speak as calmly as I can.


“Burn it. Burn everything. Niall go find the lighter fluid, upstairs in the kitchen. Pour it in all the rooms, on the curtains, everything. Then come back down here, we will do the same and Harry will burn it.” I speak fast but calm.

Niall nods his head and dashed upstairs. I watch Harry and take his lighter from him. He looks at me and I can see how scared he is.

“Don’t worry, we’re going to be fine.” I try to help him calm down, but then I hear a laugh.

“You guys are going to prison, for a long long time.” Harley laughs and I let my temper get the best of me and stomp on her stomach, causing the wind to be knocked out of her.

“Shut up, you fucking bitch.”

“Zayn! C’mon.” I look up and see Niall holding the container of lighter fluid in hand.

I toss Harry his lighter and begin walking up the stairs, with Niall trailing behind me. I look at the basement and see Emily almost unconscious and Harley on the ground trying to catch her breath. Harry opens his lighter and flicks it on causing the fire to emit from the top. I give him a nod and he sets the basement on fire. We dash out the house and to my car.

We pull out of the driveway and make our way east. When I look out my rearview mirror I watch as the flames from the fire make their way to the front of the home. There’s no turning back for us now.

Louis’ POV

Liam and I looked up the name Zayn and got a few matches. Just having a first name is not enough but it could be something. We looked for anyone with a criminal record and that narrowed us down to five different men. Two of which were dead, one who is now in Asia, one is currently in prison and the other who isn’t.

We pulled up the record of Zayn Malik. It showed that he was in a juvenile detention center when he was sixteen. Apparently it was petty theft. The thing that got our minds going was the fact that a few years ago Zayn Malik of Bradford was charged with assault and battery. Apparently some guy was hitting on his girlfriend at the time so Zayn hit him. Thirty-five times. With a crowbar. The man survived. Barely, but he’s alive. Zayn was put on probation and has a restraining order set on him from the man and who I’m guessing is now his ex girlfriend.

We found that Zayn has a home not too far from here. Liam and I leave the office and make our way to the residence of Zayn Malik. It’s late, but that doesn’t mean we can’t question him. We’re driving down the road, when we see something. Or someone running toward us.

Liam stops the car, making our bodies lurch forward only to be pushed back with just as much force due to the damn seat belts. It’s a girl. She looks pretty young probably around 19. She puts her hands on the hood of the car and tries to catch her breath before looking up at us.

“Please, help me.” She speaks with a gun in her hand and Liam and I exit the car.

“Alright miss please drop your weapon and tell us your name?” Liam asks calmly and she shakes her head.

“It doesn’t matter. I just need you to help me! They took us and I got away, Harley and Emily are still there!” The girl rambles on and I look at Liam.

“Clover?” He asks and the girl nods with tears rushing down her face.

“Please! We have to go save them before they kill them!”

Liam and I nod and get Clover in our car after I safely remove the gun from her trembing hands. We drive in the direction she was running in. We don’t have to guess the house because it’s on fire.

“No!” Clover yelled and gets out the car before we even put it in park.

Liam is right behind her and grabs her. “Clover…”

“I can’t let them die! We promised we’d get out!” Clover cries and Liam passes her to me.

“Liam! What are you doing?” I yell watching him run towards the burning home.

“Call for backup!”

“Liam you can’t go in there!” I yell trying to calm Clover and get my best friend from killing himself.

“I can’t lose her again Lou.”

And with that I watch my best friend enter the home, not knowing if he will return.

“This is detective Tomlinson. I need backup, a firetruck and ambulance.”

(A/N Alright I know it's short and once again another cliffhanger!! Sozz!! Haha!!! But please do tell me what you think!! Drop a comment, leave a vote, share and all that other shizz that you amazing readers do!! Love you all!! Xx)

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