The squad

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what is school without a crew or a squad or at least few people who you would talk to during lunch breaks , in-between lessons change-over and after school or share same activities after school and spend weekends together.

So meet my best crew mates, we are literally everywhere in school I wont lie like any event happened in school I would already know about it through my little cams and birds around school. I love the job of being the central processor, where information is coming to me and I just store and provide only when its necessary apart from my crew because its always necessary.

My best friend first of all Dale are more than friends he's 2 classes below me but since our first meet, we were friends like asap. He's now like my brother ,twin and best friend such rare relationship we share. He's literally my other half because we both like same things well not exactly but merely close to all. We are both on swimming team, great athletes not to brag and all have been on: school council, head boys and house captains. so we do share quite a lot. He's a smart psycho like me and we just flawless I guess.

Elain: She has quite a soul, how we became friends who knows but we are rocking it as if we met in 1990's . She one of the beautiful girls we have in school, she's rare I mean she's very ratchet at times but very smart and spontaneous. She isn't the sporty type and we do hang a lot of times during school because as I said our crew are the CPU.

Catherine: She's my soulmate. we have been friends like forever. We share similar interest and always take care of each other no matter what. We have never fought but we disagree a lot of time on Which guys are good for us or not. She overreact through things easily and gets drawn to love quite deep as well but she's a tough woman and well we have same qualities at times hence our love being strong ,also we have quite a history together

Devin: He's my brother and Best friend. Since our first day our friendship grew stronger and stronger each day. He's quite mysterious , sporty, very calm even through deep situations where you are suppose to be freaking out, quite understanding but he has flaws as well like every other being. He doesn't know what he wants most of the times, he gets lazy easily and bored but he's got the cutest smile I know and sometimes I feel like he's like my baby and I got to protect and care for cause I seriously care for him a lot and again we have quite a back ground together. Last summer I actually started feeling closely attached to him and I liked him more than a friend to which made me question a lot but nothing sexual don't get your minds up people.

and all of you have already met kitty so that's my squad but I do have other close friends to whom I do share deep conversations with such as Diana: she's quite the soul, very beautiful and talents and Bash he's my baby like he's got a smile that makes you fall, he makes me happy and makes me smile. He's the sunshine after rain and the breeze in summer beach.

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