Come with me

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When I wake up, Stephano's gone. I sit up, thinking it was all a dream and I'm in my own bed. But I look around. I'm still in Stephano's room. Was it all a dream? I get out of the bed and go downstairs. Pewdie is sitting at the table, drinking coffee and reading fan mail.

"Hey babe." I say, pouring some coffee into a mug.

"Hey, you didn't come to bed last night..." He says.

"Yeah. I was," I fake yawn, buying myself time to think of a reason why. "I was in the office doing work all night." He kisses me on the cheek.

"Alright. I just missed you is all." I look down at the object in his hand.

"What's that?" I ask, pointing to it. I know exactly what it is though. It a statue someone made of Stephano. My lover..?

"I don't know. Another fan sent me a gold statue. What's the deal with these? I don't even know who or what it is." He shoves it in the closet with all of the other Stephano statues. Stephano is standing behind him. A few tears drip from his eyes. Then he sees me and smiles. He nods towards the basement stairs. I hear the shower start up. Okay, Pewds is preoccupied for about forty-five minutes. I walk towards Stephano and wrap my arms around him. We go down to the basement and flop onto the couch. My head on his lap and his arms protectively around me.

"I can't believe him! His fans still remember me! Why doesn't he?!" He pushes my hair off my forehead and looks at me. He smiles.

"At least you remember." He leans down and captures my lips with his. I grin through the kiss. He laughs and pulls away.

"And here we are, kissing and cuddling and being in love, and five years ago we wanted each other dead." He say.

"I never wanted you dead." I say.

"Yes you did. I remember perfectly! I was like 'Why do you care? You WANT me to die!' and then you were like 'I do! But don't tell Pewds!'"

"Oh yeah..." He kisses me again.

"It doesn't matter. But aren't you technicly cheating on the guy that you fought so hard for."

"I guess. But I'm cheating with the guy I was fighting with so that's ironic."

"But I'm a ghost. Is it still cheating?"

"I have no idea. But it's not like Pewds could see you anyway."

"Eh, sometimes I wish he could see me but then I remember that I don't need him anymore because I have you." He runs the back of his hand down the side of my face.

"While we're on the subject of you being a ghost, what is keeping you here?" I ask him.

"I can't leave until everyone remembers me," He chuckles. "But I don't want to leave anymore. I want to stay here with you forever." He smiles at me and I smile back.

"Is their any way that you can just come back to life? Like, stuff you back into your body or something!" He thinks fir a minute.

"Nope. That wouldn't work." He says. Then his eyes light up.

"You can come with me when I go to heaven!" He says, excitedly. My eyes widen.

"I never even considered that! But wouldn't pewds miss me?" I ask. He lifts my head so I'm looking into his eyes.

"But you'll have me."

"But still..."

"Alright, who do you love more? Him or me?" He asks.

"I don't know..." I say. He sighs.

"You're lucky you're cute." He says, laughing. He pull his face down and kiss him. Then I hear the water shut off. I stand up. He look at him then at the stairs. He nods. I blink, and he's gone.

Stephano's revenge (Sequel to Why Pewdie)Where stories live. Discover now