Please remember!

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We stand outside of Mr. Chairs bedroom door.

"How do I get him to remember without it sounding weird?" I ask.

"Show him the picture, then say you know he must remember something about me, then tell him to think really hard and see if he can remember anything. Got it?"

"Got it!" I go to walk in the room but Stephano grabs my wrist.

"Wait!" He kisses me on the cheek.

"Kiss for luck?" I ask.

"Yep." He smiles. I take a deep breath and enter the room.

"Hey Mr. Chair!" I say, smiling.

"Hey Cry..." He says, smiling back. I hand him the picture.

"You have to remember something about this guy!! I remember stuff." I say.

"I don't think I do, Cry."

"Think really, really hard! I bet you can remember something!" He closes his eyes and tenses up. He stay like that for a whole minute, not moving, just thinking, remembering. Suddenly, his eyes shoot open. He looks past me into the doorway.

"Stephano!!" He cries with tears in his eyes. He jumps up and hugs Stephano. Then he kisses him full on the lips. I let it happen for a couple seconds, waiting for them to separate but when Mr. Chair pins Stephano's hands to the wall, I step in. I peel Mr. Chair's hands off my lover's wrists. Then I shove him away from Stephano. He looks at me, annoyed and confused. I put my arm around Stephano's shoulders.

"So you're buddies now... Big whoop." Stephano puts his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Mr. Chair's face goes from a look of confusion to a look of pure anger and hatred.

"You got Pewdie!! Why do you need Stephano too?! You can't have both Cry!!" He screams. Good, a fight! I've been itching for one of these for a while.

"Well I guess I can!! Since I already have them both, leaving you no one. So, tell me, how does it feel to be forever alone?" I smirk my signature smirk at him. I feel Stephano flinch under my arm. I look at him. He's staring into space with an intense look of sadness and sorrow in his eyes, like he's remembering something sorrowful and painful.

"The smirk..." He whispers. A few tears leak from his eyes. I gasp.

"Stephano! I'm sorry! I won't do the smirk! Please don't cry!!" He blinks away the tears.

"Okay." He says.

"Why does he want to be with you?! After all the things you've done to him!! Making him cry, making try to kill himself! What does he see in you?! What does Pewdie see in you?! What does anyone see in you?! I bet your mother is ashamed to have ever given birth to you." Mr. Chair says, glaring daggers at me, his eyes blazing. Something snaps inside me. This isn't fun fighting anymore. This is I'll-kill-you-if-I-get-the-chance fighting now.

"You son of a bitch!!!" I scream and lunge at him, I lift my fist to hammer into his head, but Stephano grabs my wrist. I turn and look at him.

"I think you've made your point, Cry. Let's go." He starts pulling me out if the room. I don't protest. He pulls me into his room. He lets go. I flop down on the bed.

"Honestly, what do you see in me?" I ask.

"What?" He asks.

"After all I've put you through, you don't hate me. Why? I stole the love of your life, caused you to become suicidal, tried to turn your friends against you, made you cry a bunch of times, but you still love me, why?" He sits down next to me on the bed.

"I've done things to you too. Pranking you, yelling at you, throwing things at you,"he pauses, as if to remember. "but I guess that's why we're in love. We realize that we both turn into horrible, mean, jealous, freaks when we feel threatened. But when we stop feeling threatened by each other, we can see how cool and awesome the other is. That's why I love you, Cry. You're cool, funny, nice, sweet, caring, loving, and there is nobody else I would rather be with than you. I love you, Crystoph Sandpape." I laugh at the reference from my video.

"Oh, quoting me now, are we?" I ask, still laughing.

"Shut up and kiss me." He says. So I kiss him.

Stephano's revenge (Sequel to Why Pewdie)Where stories live. Discover now