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calums pov*

"mate she will be here any minute" i say to ashton

"you think so?" ashton replies

"yeah im pretty sure" i reply

"NO MICHAEL CAL WILL KILL YOU!" i hear luke scream

"i cant help it" i hear mikey mumble

i turn around quickly to see michael eating the cookies of the plate,

"mikey, hands off the god damn cookies" i say in a serious tone

"wow why r u so protective over the cookies, was your mum turned into one!" he yells

"no she wasnt mikey, just stop eating the cookies" i say trying not to laugh

"JOY! JOY! ARE YOU ALIVE! IF YOUR A COOKIE YOU CANT MAKE ME ROAST CHICKEN!" michael screams at a cookie, yelling my mums name

"michael stop" i say, laughing this time

"sorry cal" michael says, face red from laughter, placing down the cookie

"you know those cookies were for cora and nova mikey" luke starts laughing

"nova?" ashton says instantly tuning into the conversation

"yes, the girl in art class you never talk to" luke says in a sarcastic tone

"well i cant, shes too, nova, she will hate me" ashton says sadly

"no she wont" luke says reassuring him

"can i talk about it" ashton says, smiling weakly

"NOPE" mikey and luke say together

"ill listen to you ash" i say smiling, even though i don't want to hear this speech again

"NO YOU DONT" mikey yells out, while luke just covers his ears

"ok, throught life, you will meet a girl, who you could talk about, for ages and never, ever get bored, and im too shy to talk to her and say 'what do you think of me?' and i pray that she would never say 'i dont'. because im scared to want her, but here i am, doing it anyway" ash says smiling, finishing his speech, for what feels like the millionth time.

"CUTE!" i hear two voices say"

i turn around to see cora and nova

"cora! you actually came" i exclaim walking over to here and giving her a hug, she i so short, and im so tall, so it makes a perfect hug

"why wouldnt i?" she says sarcastically.

"because im a bass player, and i like Hawaiian pizza too much" i laugh

"thats it" she giggles

"hey" i say, pretending to be sad

"ohh poor cal pal" she says giving me a hug, even though she is still short, she rubs my back

i giggle, and look over to see nova talking to ash, i give him a thumbs up.

cora pulls out of the hug, and says to me

"so show me what you guys can do!" she says as she jumps onto the couch

"yepadeedooda, we shall" i laugh.

"FIRST FOOD!" luke and mikey yell pointing to a table, full of food

"OH MY SWEET BABY JESUS" i hear cora say in shock

"oh we had cookies?" i say confused

"yes you did" cora adds on, walking to the bowl of choc chip cookies

"dont act like you didnt just buy them for cor-" mikey says, getting cut off by me punching him in the shoulder

cora makes her way back to the couch with the whole bowl of cookies, and nova sits down next to her with a pack of oreos.

"they really liked cookies" luke laughs

"yeah thats right" i add on smiling


after we perform our song, cora runs up to me

"AMAZING!" she whispers

"thankyou" i whisper back

we laugh together, and end up sitting onto the couch,

we all sit on the couches and mikey just randomly says

"nova, do you like guitar players, or drummers better?" and laughs, raising his eyebrows at ashton

"no offense ashton, but i like guitarists because the strings remind me of chicken' she laughs

"what the heck?" cora and i say in sync

"i honestly dont know" nova says laughing

"ok, lets put it this way, date ash or mikey?" luke says seriously

"idtrlynrhbtahn" she mumbles

"hmm what was that?" michael says

" idtrlynrhbtahn" she says louder, still mumbling

"COME ON WOMAN!" luke yells

" idtrlynrhbtahn!" she says louder, mumbling still

"nova, come on" ashton says smiling

"ashton" she says blushing

ashton immideatly stands up, and sits next to nova

"what are you doing? isnt this weird for you because i said i would date you?" she says face burried into her hands

"well i would date you too" he smiles, placing his arm around her back

i look out the corner of my eye, and see nova smiling at cora, and cora giving a small thumbs up

i knew they liked eachother...


"cal pal?" i hear cora say

"yes coraaaaaa" i say laughing

"i know this might be really awkward since you know we just met, and you don't know me that well Bu-" she rambles on, but I cut her off saying
"You wanna ride home because nova left with ash?" I say smiling
"If you can that would be nice" she smiles
"No problemo Cora" I say as I pick up my car keys and walk out the door
We both hop into the car
As we drive we start singing bout hearts out to nirvana, twentyone Pilots.
"Thank you cal pal" I hear Cora say as she gets out of my car
"No problem Cora" I reply, driving away
Moses is the best author just face it John green, tfios would of been way better if u wrote it

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