First day

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Madison Pettis as Jaycie!

Have a good time reading!!!! Hope you like it! Bye bye!



Chapter 2

*Jaycie's POV*

I sit inside the car dreading the second I get back to school. I regret saying yes to my dad to going back after a month and a half of staying home after my...their funeral. I have to catch up, though. I've been out of school for more than 1 month.

The school has been out since August 26. I've missed a lot from what I've heard from my brother. He and I are in the same grade for now since he's been held back for no reason. He wanted to do some random grade over when he was younger and my parents let him. Now he is just going on since apparently he didn't have the same teacher and didn't want to do the same grade again.

I am getting so off topic. Anyways, I'm Jaycie Everheart. I was a very nice person even after four of my kidnappings, I was nice to everyone. This last one though felt like my world ended. If I could go back to the past and reverse it, I would. Of course, I can't.

Today was going to be torture at school. I'm going to regret something and I know it. My wolf is still weeping along with me. She's been so quiet, it hurts. She doesn't even want to go for runs. She merely wallows and walks slowly. I wish she would cheer up even though it's the both of us that is suffering. She usually cheers me up when I'm sad so that I could have a good day.

"Jaycie, we're here sweetie," Dad says softly.

I looked up seeing the building of my old school. I used to be excited to go to school, now it's just any other building to me. Looking at the school, I didn't want to see who took the class that I use to always love to go to just to see the one person I wished was here.

"Are you sure you want to go back? We can let you both go to a different school. I can pay for another school I mean." Dad tries to persuade like he has these past two months.

I shook my head.

"It's fine, Dad. I'll survive somehow. Don't worry yet. Later on in the year if it doesn't get better then yeah. I'd like to transfer." I responded.

I got my bag from the floor of the car. I got out of the car going on the other side.

"Middle of the year?" He asked me.

"Middle, next quarter, whichever you want. But it has to be when the quarter or quarters ends. I love you, Dad." I reply softly, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Jaycie. I love you too." He responded.

I got on the crosswalk and he drove away in the police car. Yeah, my dad is a cop. He's been a cop for several years just in case any of our pack mates get caught for something or if any rogues crossed the border.  After I saw his car disappear, I walked into the school. Everyone stopped talking just as I came in. I decided to keep walking and go to the office. As soon as I got there, I saw Beta Jace and Alpha Mark along with their mates who work at the school.

"Hi, Mrs. Garrettson. May I have my schedule please?" I asked Beta Jace's mate at the front desk.

They all stopped to look at me and were shocked to hear my voice. They were very happy to see me, though.

"Jaycie! Paul and your father never told me you were going to be here! It's so nice to see you, sweetheart!" Mrs. Garrettson said as she got up and went around to come and hug me.

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