Questions and Answers Now

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Naomi Scott as Link


Chapter 9

*Talon's POV*


"Talon! Oh thank goodness! Where are you? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Mom. I just had a run in with them, but someone got me out of the situation. Now they want to ask me questions. I'm answering them at home." I said.

"Who is it? Why are you going to answer their questions and why did you call me? You could-." I cut her off.

"Mom, it's a detective." I answered.

"What? Who?"

"Detective Beckett and I'm almost home." I told her.

~Present Time~

"Why don't you tell me what happened before you go inside?" Mom asked.

Dad jogged out side and ran over to me and Mom. He pulled us into a tight hug. I groaned at my dad.

"Don't groan at me mister! I thought I almost lost you when I heard your mother explain everything! You know I think negatively first!"

"Yeah Dad. I know. Thanks for being concerned though. Anyways, nothing much happened Mom. They shot at me, but-."

"WHAT?!?" They both yelled and grabbed my arms.

I tugged my arms back and grabbed their hands lightly.

"I didn't get hit. Let me finish."

Mom gave me a sheepish smile.

"Right, sorry Talon."

"That's fine." I said as I wave it off. "I wasn't hit because well her car got hit instead of me. Detective Beckett saved me."


'A human saved you?' My Dad said in my head.

I nodded with a roll of my eyes.

"Yes, you heard me. Now she wants to ask me questions. Do you approve?" I was so hoping that they would say no.

"Well of course! She saved you Talon! Oh you must be-" I completely zoned out after my mom rambled to Detective Beckett. My dad noticed and had a grin on his face.

'You should of begged her to say no.' He said.

'She knows I don't like talking to the police though!' I complained in his head.

He quickly stuck his tongue out and said, "Why don't we go inside and start the questioning now?"

"What? Dad!" I grumbled as Detective Beckett smiled at my dad and nodded.

"Yes, why don't we. The sooner we start the sooner we can finish."

"I'll get the living room cleared of everyone and we can go and answer your questions now." Mom said.

"I'll do it, Mom." I said as I was already going inside.

"Thank you, Talon!" Mom replied.

I mimicked her under my breath as I went into the living room and only saw people my age. All the adults were at work or getting their kids most likely. Every one turned to see me.

"Okay everyone, out. My parents and I are going to be having a conversation with someone. No one eavesdrops or I will make sure you can't hear again." I see Link's eyes gleaming with curiosity. I went over to her grabbing her hand before she left and I watched as the others left. They didn't question me why I had Link stay. She looks at me with a cock of her head.

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