The case.

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Up there is Kate Beckinsale as Chase's Mom or Angelique O'Neil!

She's so freaking amazing! Anyone see Van Helsing? Underworld?



On second thought, you can watch Van Helsing and Underworld after. ^_^



Chapter 1

*Angelique O'Neil's POV*

As I walk down the corridor, I hear running. I turn around as I see the person who is running. He calls out my name as well as breaking my rules. He drags in some dirt as he ran to me. I'll have to get the janitor to take care of that.

"Mrs. O'Neil! General Esperon and Leon told me to..." He's calling out, but he stops running when he saw that I am giving him the eye. He clears his throat and starts to walk towards me. "Mrs. O'Neil. General Esperon and Leon told me to come and give you this. They said to tell you that they would like to talk to you privately."

"Why is it every time you have to tell me something you run and disregard my rules? Cain. You and those generals don't ever consider the rules that I put up, I will reinforce them. Harshly." I conclude while narrowing my eyes at him.

He gulps saying, "I'll tell the Generals that you would like them to come in scheduled then. I'll also tell them that you would like to meet them at 4?" He asks.

He lost all his confidence at my look. I kept the look up and thought that now was ok. Make them come at my dispense.

"No, I will meet with them now," I respond turning around.

"Now?" He asks in a tone that meant he was scared and tired.

"Now," I repeat.

I walk off to my office as I read the file he had in the brief case. He's muttering some things. I roll my eyes as I continued to read it. Interesting.

"This file is quite interesting. Also, what do you not get about the word SPY, Cain?" I ask him.

I knew he wasn't going to answer me at all. I did know that I already know who will be on this case. He has the best technique, he goes to the same school as her. She probably knows and likes my son. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed his number. He picked his phone up like he knew I was going to call him.

"Hey, Mom. What is it?" He asks.

"Hi, Chase. I think you might have a case. Come to the agency straight to my office." I say, but that is probably where he is.

"All right, Mom. See you in a second." He says hanging up.

I shut my phone. I arrive at my office within a few seconds. Also, no I didn't just pick my son because he's my son. He is one of the top spies, the top spy and he has been waiting for a case for two months.

"The Generals will be here in a few minutes. Next time, make sure I didn't know you woke up earlier than me to get to headquarters, but I love that you thought I didn't know that son." I said as I went to my desk to sit.

"Why don't you think I am just faster than you?" He ask crossing his arms putting his hands behind his head with a silly smirk on his face.

"Do you want a case or not?" I ask him still reading her file.

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