The big courage blow up - my POV on vividhas character development..

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I see where you are coming from when you say Vividha has become very courageous especially after guddi and chintu incident. I sort of don't agree as I feel the moment she met atharv her courage is shown more than she lets out in chunks and pieces. When she slapped the guy who teased her in the town. Her being brave was first majorly shown when she went to pushkar without telling her dad and that too with a person like atharv who didn't know very well but she trusted her instincts when it came to him. That was a pretty major one. Yes, I agree she was more courageous during the times when confessed her feelings to Atharv and then told her dad especially whom she loves and respects the most. But you have to understand telling your feelings to yourself is a bigger challenge than telling others, she was facing internal conflicts regarding him because where her heart told her to trust him but her brain didn't. Especially when she was influenced by her family the most. She loves her father and why not. Everyone loves their parents and sacrifices their lives because of them. Vividha is no different. But what atharv taught her was that if someone loves you then they give you freedom, they give respect to your choice because you give them the same. Atharv has so many reasons to be salty as life always pushed him away from his loved ones, losing almost everything. He still manages to love everyone around him. He treasures the people he has in life more than his life and is willing to go to the ends of the Earth for them. Vividha learnt from him that just because you love someone doesn't mean you owe them your life, it means you dedicate all the love you have to that person, you respect equally, you give the freedom equally. Vividha is a today's girl who knows how to express her feelings and girls do express their feelings be it emotionally, physically, everything. Just because you don't see it often doesn't mean it's not there. Be open to new ideas and respect the new ideas. Just because you have been shown that only guys express romance doesn't mean a girl doesn't know how to show romantic gestures. There's a deep level of understanding, trust and loyalty that goes behind the idea of love, it's not just about your desires. I am no expert in love analysis, but it's about feelings and self-respect which every human has and has a right to express and it goes for all genders.

Thank you :)

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