Number ❤️

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You and your friend are out shopping together, Justin is also some where in the mall you just don't know where you ended up separating and lost sight of him.

You and your friend decide that you've had enough, you're tried and you're feet are hurting you just want to sleep. You both take a seat in the food court when a boy around your age with dark black hair and blue eyes approaches you, he is cute your not even gonna lie. He takes a seat next to you, 'Hey, do I know you from somewhere?' he asks you his voice smooth 'no I don't think so' you reply, you would have definitely recognised him if you had. He looks at you and you can feel his gaze fixed on you so you look back at him 'can I have your number?' he asks with a cocky arrogant grin 'no' you bluntly reply and walk away. (side note* when Justin did that to the girl in the store ooh i was fuming bruh all she wanted was a hug) your friend follows you behind.

'I'm gunna go find Justin so we can go home I'm super tired and I don't want another creep asking for my number' you tell your friend 'okay I'll catch you up, I'm just gunna head to the bathroom' she replies and walks off in the opposite direction'.

You reach the entrance of the mall and outside you see Justin standing he looks up at you and smiles when he notices you, you smile back and walk towards him. 'Hey you ready to go?' his raspy voice asks. 'Yeah, I'm tired you say' and wrap your arms around him and nuzzle your face into his chest. You let go and grab his hand walking towards the car.

You sit in the car and turn up the heat waiting for your friend. 'Oh so I was sat down at the food court earlier on' you begin to say 'a random boy asked for my number'. There is an awkward silence in the car, you see Justin's jaw clench and un-clench 'did you give it' he murmurs his voice low 'what! no' you yell, the silence in the car is still there and your thankful that you see your friend walking towards the car. She climbs into the car and says 'Y/N you know that guy I saw him again and he asked for your number, he was like can I have your friends number' she says 'did you give it?' you ask kind of annoyed that she mentioned this with Justin in the car 'no' she says 'why did you want her to give it' you hear Justin mutter under his breath so you chose to ignore his comment. Your friend continues 'I told him you have a boyfriend and he said your missing out'.

'He what?! you yell, missing out, no fuck that, let me find him, I'll show him who's missing out' you yell pissed off. Missing out who does he think you are a whore, you unbuckle your seat belt and storm out of the car. 'She's going to go crazy in front of everyone' your hear your friend tell Justin, 'shit' you hear him mutter. You hear another car door open and slam 'Y/N' Justin yells you carry on speed walking towards the mall you are pissed off your going to confront the random guy for being so disrespectful towards you. Just then you feel a tug on your arm 'stop' Justin says his voice soft 'NO! he's not going to disrespect me and get away with it, I am so pissed off right now I'm gunna find him' 'Y/N it's not worth it, don't get upset, calm down' Justin says cupping your cheeks with his large hands and staring into your eyes. He holds your hand and leads you towards the car. Your still annoyed and you mutter curse words under your breath, Justin holds the door open for you and you climb in. The whole car is silent and you stay deep in thought, Justin reaches over and plays the CD the music easing you out of tension. You begin to cool down a little. As you reach a red light you see Justin staring and smirking at you 'what?, stooop smirking' you say in your childish voice 'are you alright now?' Justin asks still smirking 'yeah' you nod. 'I'm sorry for shouting and ruining the day like that' 'ssh you don't need to apologise'. The car ride goes smoothly with just the music playing in the car. 'Your cute when your angry' Justin says 'well then I'm about to get real adorable' you reply. Justin chuckles and reaches over to peck your cheek. What a day you think to yourself.

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