Bikini and the beach ❤️ Part 2

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My heart goes out to everyone involved in the Manchester attack. I live hours away from the city and it was shocking, I can't believe it happened during Ariana's concert it could have easily been Justin or anyone else. So many innocent people have lost their lives and been injured.

I hope Justin summer show goes well in the U.K. But honestly don't want him getting hurt and the attack is so fresh so I feel like it should be cancelled. Justin is so big and would attract so many people it's dangerous.

You and Justin arrive at the beach and you lay down your towels on the soft sand, ready to sun bathe. You are laying on your stomach and you can feel Justin's gaze burning into your ass. You took off your shorts as you don't want any dodgey tan lines.

'Baby let's go into the ocean' Justin says he's been nagging you about this over and over but you have told him before that you don't want to get your hair wet. It's a pain washing it and right now you just want to focus on topping up your tan.

'No Justin I'm not going in' you roll your eyes for the millionth time slightly annoyed.

'But baaaaby' he drags the word 'the water is warm'. 'Ssh' you silence him and get back to relaxing under the heat of the sun.

Justin's POV

Y/N won't get into the water with me but I get what I want and I think my baby girl is forgetting that.

I see Y/N laying peacefully next to me and I know it's the perfect opportunity to attack.

I place my hand under her legs and one under her chest lifting her from the towel and throwing her over my shoulder.

'Justin stop' she kicks and screams. I slap her ass and run down to the water.

'Put me down or I'll-' she begins to say but I pay no mind and throw her into the sea quickly in a swift motion whilst laughing at the sight of her small head rising above the water, her damp hair stuck to her face. She looks beautiful.

I get into the water with her and swim out to where she is. I wrap my arms around her waist. 'See baby it's warm' I whisper placing delicate kisses all the way from her jaw line to her neck.

She turns around and splashes water at me whilst swimming away. Oh two can play this game.

After our mini water fight I can tell that my baby is tired. She swims back over to me and wraps her legs around my waist her arms behind my neck.

I look into her eyes and peck her lips over and over again. 'You tired baby?' I whisper my forehead touching hers. She runs her fingers through my wet hair and nods.

I carry her out of the ocean and back to our place. Moments like these are the ones worth living for.

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