Dreams over reality ❤️

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Guys I was shopping online and saw this crop top that said 'save water shower with Justin Bieber' haha I love it. Saving water would be the last thing on my mind ;)

You and Justin are best friends. You've had feelings for one another for a while now but your both too shy to admit this.

'Justin no, we can't..I don't want to ruin anything please' you said whispering looking into Justin's brown eyes.

Justin wasn't listening at what you were saying instead he continued leaning in closer and closer until your noses touched.

Justin grabbed your small waist with his large hands and pulled you closer into him until your bodies made contact.

'Y/N' he says tucking a small strand of your hair behind your ear. 'You have no idea how long I've waited for this' Justin whispers moving his gaze from your eyes to your lips.

Justin leans even further into you and cups your face gently with his hands to
stop you from leaning away from his touch.

Your breath hitches slightly at the physical contact. Justin moves one hand from your face and grabs your waist rubbing his thumb in small circles causing a funny feeling to engulf you each time.

You instantly close your eyes and wait for Justin's soft lips to touch yours. You're ready.

However, this moment never does occur because your faced by reality.

In this situation the reality is that you're actually sat in math class  bored out of your mind whilst Justin is sat across the room staring at you intensely.

You realise that you let your mind run away with you again but you wouldn't change it for the world it allows you to escape from the harsh reality of this world.

Justin Bieber ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now