Chapter 3- Jeremy

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Charles Vandervaart as Jeremy Constal

I turn around after running my finger over the brail writing. I see a girl with long wavy brown hair. She's running her fingers over the silver plates. I walk towards her and  quickly glance around before I greet her, just to make sure no one here sees me that knows me. She slowly turns around and I almost gasp. She's beautiful, her dark brown hair frames her pale face, perfectly. Her blue eyes are wide and sparkly. I talk with her some and it ends up she has three preps too. We talk about the stupid test, and I ask her when her birthday is.

"June 24th." She glances at me for a second asking how old I am with her eyes.

"So, you're almost sixteen? I'll  be sixteen in a month." She smiles first with her eyes, the crinkle and then she runs her tongue over her teeth and smiles.

"Nah, I'm almost fifteen, I skipped second grade." Her smile is so beautiful I almost don't here her. She looks a little older then she is. 

We reach the math prep doorway where her first prep is and I say goodbye. I smile and wink and start walking away, but turn back around,her beauty is too overwhelming not to see one more time. I laugh to myself when I see her run into someone. I back track to the Art room, I open the door and the old musty smell hits me. It smells like my art studio at home. It's all the way up in the attic, so my friends would never see it. Okay, fake friends, they're not really my friends if they don't know about my  gift, to quote my mom. I hope Maddy and I are friends and I hope to find some more.

I sit down at a desk and blow on it. Dust flies in my face and I sneeze a couple times. I wipe the remaining coating off with my jacket. A couple more kids walk in, none of whom I recognize, but then again many of us are from different school districts. So that's to be expected. The teacher walks in with her hair up in a knot on her head. Blonde floaties hang from her head. I learned what floaties are from my older half sister, when I was about eight. I retain random information insanely well.

"Isn't that nice, someone brought me flowers!" Everyone glances around, trying to figure out who did it. No one confuses, that's weird, interesting even. "Well, let's get started." We quickly review all aspects of art, from shading to the color wheel. Thank god it only lasts about ten minutes, I've been painting and drawing and everything art since I was four. Then Mrs. Harven brings out a bowl of fruit. So, so, so, so cliche. Kids laugh, but I smile. I entered a fruit painting into a contest once and it went to the national level where it got beat by a twenty two year old. I was twelve.

So, I grab the paint set from the ever dusty closet and sneeze some more. I got to me seat and start right away, it shouldn't take more then an hour and a half. I glance up to see where every fruit is placed. Now there's a plant sitting next to it. What the heck? I glance at the teachers desk, but her plant is still there, along with three more flowers. Uh?

"Who's giving me all these flowers?" Everyone looks around and I sneeze again, a plant pops on my desk. I scream and then  everything goes black as I fall to the ground.

I wake up in the nurses office a couple hours later. I quickly sit up and glance at the clock, my vision goes a little blurry, and the nurse tells me to lay back down.

"But it's 12:45!" I've got to see Maddy again, and I totally missed Science prep, dang it. The nurse says my mom will be here in five minutes. Then my memories come flooding back like they usually do after I wake up. A plant popped up on my desk when I sneezed, a plant popped up every time I sneezed. What the heck is that supposed to mean? I take the nurses advice and lay back down until my mom comes in and worries about me. She takes me home and I'm kind of quiet on the ride to the house.

"It starts Luke's week today, he's already home." Thank god, I missed Luke, he's really cool, only a couple months older then me.

"That's cool, but I really wanted to stay." My mom looks at me, really surprised, which I expected. 

"There was a girl." I sigh and my mom laughs, we pull into the drive way where I see Luke's new car he told me about. It's a mustang convertible and it looks awesome! I'll have to borrow it, maybe even take Maddy on a date...

"What's up sport?" I walk through the door and Luke's waiting for me with a Coke in his hand, we walk to my bedroom where I have a PlayStation 2, not the newest, but still great. We play COD 2 and I tell him about Maddy.

"Ohhh, make a move!" He shoves me, "Do you have her number?" Dang, two things I forgot, telling her to call me JC and her number!

"No, I left before we had our class together." I sigh, it sucks, I really wanted to talk with her. 

"So, were you a tough jock in front of her, or sweet jock?" He teases and shoves me again. We pause the game and go to get some more food. We walk into the kitchen and while I'm getting my Oreos (mint, of course), I hear mom.

"I need this one, it will make up for you not paying last month, or the month before, or even the month before that one! He really needs this, he's finally growing out of his shell! Becoming what I know he is." She sobs and pauses and I hear shouting from the other end of the line. Luke takes me shoulder and leads me back up the stairs. 

"Don't worry about it, this happens every month." I sigh, this probably means I won't go to the intellectual camp in July. Unless...

I pause the game again and fill in Luke with my plan, he agrees, so we run downstairs. Mom stands at the kitchen sink wringing the towel around her hands over and over.

"Hey, don't worry. It'll be okay, I have a plan." I give her hug and tell her what I told Luke, she tells us it's amazing and then we're off to the attic.

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