Chapter 2

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Paris Smith as Avery Samson


Okay, Science Prep, then break, then Writers Prep. Wait, no. I look at my schedule again.

8:50-10:50: Science Prep 2, Math Prep, Art Prep 1

10:55-12:55: Science Prep 1, History Prep, Choir Prep, Photography Prep 2

1:00-3:00: Writers Prep, Art Prep 2, Photography Prep 1

Ugh, why does it have to be so confusing. I have Science Prep 1, so that means, break, Science, then Writing. Cool. I go and sit in the lounge. I pull my laptop from my bag, and open up my newest story. It combines Science Fiction and Romance, my two favorite genres. I continue on my latest, but soon that comes to an end when someone slams it shut on my fingers.

"Oww!" I look, my checks flustering. I swear they're going to get it. I leap up, but before I lay a hand on the person in question someone grabs my arms.

"Save it shortie." Now, they're going to get a big butt whopping. This pink dress and glossy lipstick may look deceiving but I am 63 inches of pure anger when I want to be. I struggle against the person holding my arms. Eventually I resort to kicking them.

"What do you want?" I growl, and gasp. This making me tired and the person is too strong, but there's no way I'm stopping. They shut my computer before I saved, and they crossed the line at calling me shortie. 

"I said save it. You're in my seat. Unacceptable." I get a good look at her. I should've seen it coming, Olive Chambers. Of course, the only reason she even passed the test to get into the camp and preps is because of her daddy. Mr. Chambers owns the most prestigious line of hotels. Plus the fact that he married a eye surgeon helps. They're money is practically infinite and they use it to get anything they want. Olive wanted it to seem that she's smart, done. 

"I'm sorry, I don't see your name on it." I kick Amber in the shin, and I don't feel bad. I sit back down in my chair. Open my laptop. And the whole page is blank, I start to scroll up, everything, all fifteen chapters, completely gone. I glance up and see Jacob running away. He must have deleted all my stuff. I was almost finished. Only a couple more sentences. Of course.

"This is just like you Olive Chambers."


I sit outside the school, of course Bailey dropped my off thirty minutes early, leading me to believe it was the actual time. Probably so she could get to her boyfriend sooner. Why mom couldn't drop my off before she goes to her job, I have no idea. I pull out my volleyball handbook, might as well study for my Junior coaching clinic. I look over the legal and illegal ways of touching the net, and the right serving lines for the right age groups. Eventually they come and open the door, I stay outside though, I like the cool ocean breeze, I'll have to go swimming later. A roaring truck interrupts my day dreaming of the salty sea spray.

I glance up. The truck runs over the traffic cones lining the parking space, I see Olive Chambers in the passenger seat. Of course. I hope the parking spot is a sink hole. I stand up quickly and shuffle inside I keep my head down until I'm safely to my classroom. I memorized the building plans from the map on the website. I have a photographic memory so it comes easily to me. 

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I run into a girl, oh my gosh, it was so my fault. And now she's picking up my stuff for me.

"Oh, don't worry about it really! I swear, it's fine!" I start gathering up the rest of my stuff as she hands me the other pens and pencils I dropped. Then my hat falls off. I am making such a foul of myself. I just decide to laugh. Seems like a good place to, I don't really even know why. Just so she doesn't think I'm some clumsy person that drops stuff all the time, but then again, I am. I glance up and realize that I know her. She's Maddy Simons, my aunt if her mom's scrub nurse in the OR. She remembers me too.

We talk as we walk into the classroom together. We talk about beach stuff and barely anything about the hospital which is what I worried we would talk about. But then out of the corner of my eye I see Serendipity come into the room. I wave her over, wanting her and Aqua to meet. I introduce her and Serendipity smiles warmly as Aqua compliments her name. I wait until Nico walks into the room and distracts her to turn to Serendipity. Nico goes to my school, we hang out and do homework sometimes, but he's to distracted to see my obvious crush on him. And  to even say hi to me, oh well.


"He didn't tell me he was doing preps, much less Math." Oh, Opal. The poor thing, she's so distracted by Nico, she doesn't even consider her options. What about other boys.

"Oh, do you know Gabe?" Please, c'mon, something to get mind off Nico, she's so much better then him.

"Yeah, I mean I guess, he's in my History class." Good, I try and explain to her that maybe he likes her, in all actuality, he does. She doesn't want to accept it. Our conversation goes along something like this.

Me: If he asks you out, what would you say?

O: No, what if that same exact day, Nico decides to ask me out, then I would to say no.

Me: Opal, you deserve better then Nico.

O: There is no better then Nico, plus I'm not pretty enough to deserve anyone else.

Me: Of course you are! You're beautiful! And if Nico, or anyone other boys see that, then they're blind.

O: Whatever you say Ser.

Then, the teacher walks in, and my first year of prep begin and I'm so excited I can't nearly stand it. But I do. I take a deep breathe, smile wide and let my ears open, and listen, hoping for amazing new information. 

Math Prep is amazing. It's challenging, and hard, just like I like it. Eventually the last forty five minutes we're given a worksheet as homework and told to bring it finished tomorrow. I put my earbuds in and sway to the music. Calm, pop music is my favorite. Right in-between slow dance and energetic. Soon the bell rings and I'm not even half-way finished with the worksheet, but it's okay.

My next class is Science Prep with Avery and Opal. I decide to sit next to Avery, while Opal goes to the other side of the room pouting, but Av looks really upset about something.

"Hey," I reach out and touch her shoulder, "What's wrong?" She looks up at me with her eyes filled with tears.

"Olive, Olive is what's wrong. You know the book, *sniffle* I was writing?" she rubs her hand again her nose and I look through my handbag for my tissues. That book she was writing was one of the  best short stories I've ever read. Avery's an amazing writer and she excels in Science, so she combines them constantly. 

"Yeah, weren't you almost done with it?" She was so excited and so close, she was going to send it to the publisher, my mom even wrote a letter of recommendation for her. It was really sweet, saying how she could probably discover the cure for cancer, while writing the world's best romance/science fiction book.

"Jacob, Olive, and Amber. Olive and Amber distracted me while Jacob deleted everything. All of it gone. I tried all of my tricks in the book, for two hours. Two! Nothing, I got absolutely nothing back and that was the first book I was confident in actually selling!" She sobs and almost slams her head on the desk before I quickly put my handbag there.

"I'm so sorry Avery, but I have an idea." I give her hug as her eyes light up as I explain what we could do. Without revenge and so she can get her story back. I don't know why Olive insists on being so mean to us, we never did anything. 

Then Jacob walks in. And it reminds me of the worst thing about this. Jacob and I are secretly dating.

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