"Wi-Fi is gone again!"

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Warnings: none

Dom/Sub: seme!Shinya x uke!Guren

Word count: 1306

A/N: I don't have Windows 10 on my computer so sorry if I got anything wrong. O_o Also, there are some minor differences between the prompt and the actual story.

Writing prompt:

Imagine you OTP as person A is using person B's computer and they have a problem with the internet connexion. They start to get angry and somehow end up exploring the files on the computer. When person B comes to see if person A has solved the problem, they see them looking at photos of B (whether it's selfies or family photos or friends who took them...). Bonus if B is a grumpy person and they smile in a lot of photos.


Shinya wasn't exactly the type of a person who would spend all of their free time on the internet. However, when he was using the internet, he wanted it to run smoothly, and Wi-Fi disappearing every so often wasn't exactly the thing that goes well with the previous condition.

"Guren!" he complained loudly. "Wi-Fi is gone again!"

"And what can I do about it?!" came an annoyed reply from another room.

"I don't know, it's your apartment, your Wi-Fi and your router!" shouted Shinya in order for Guren to hear him, while furiously clicking the refresh button. "Just do something! Please?"

Guren didn't reply right away, but then, "Fine, I'll see what I can do. Just wait a few minutes."

Shinya was very pleased with his accomplishment. He minimized Chrome and ended up staring into a default Windows background that Guren apparently didn't bother to change. Shinya just rolled his eyes – this computer wasn't exactly new.

Suddenly he got this brilliant idea that he could change this hideous background, but then he remembered that Wi-Fi was still gone, which meant no funny backgrounds, just nature and patterns provided by Windows. He ended up opening File explorer, since that was one of the rare choices that could be used without Wi-Fi.

Let's see if Guren has some music, Shinya thought to himself when he clicked on Music. It turned out Guren didn't have any. Is this guy really such a good boy that he always buys a CD and doesn't pirate anything, or he just doesn't listen to music?

Shinya shook his head like he was talking to someone who was in the room – Guren's study – with him, and not just to himself. No, he does listen to music. Occasionally.

Then he decided to explore further. He didn't have much else to do anyway.

He clicked on Documents and his eyes widened in surprise. It was full of blue and orange documents, files created by Word and PowerPoint, mixed with some green from Excel. All of them had rather boring titles, so Shinya didn't click on any of them. He wasn't really interested in Guren's work. He was also scared that he would mess something up and then he wasn't exactly sure if he could hope for a quick and painless death.

So this is what Guren does when he says he's busy and doesn't want to come over to cuddle, he thought to himself and pouted in his mind. Then he moved the mouse onto Photos and opened the file. His blue eyes sparkled mischievously at the sight in front of him. He found the gold mine, hit the jackpot. Why didn't he think of this before?

His grumpy boyfriend never really showed him much of his family photos, and that's why a neatly named folder with a pretty self-explanatory title Family photos was even more tempting. Shinya didn't hesitate. Opening the folder rewarded him with even more titles and he silently thanked Guren for being so organized. Cousin's wedding, Mt. Fuji – July 2015, Nagoya castle, Nan's birthday, Spring picnic, Summer vacation – August 2014, – it was all here, just two clicks away. Shinya didn't waste any more time.

He began with the first folder, titled 18. It was full of photos of teenage Guren celebrating his eighteenth birthday. Shinya recognized some of the other faces, mostly closer family members, but the majority of people on the photos were unknown to him. Not like he was interested in other people, anyways. Young, adorable, smiling Guren was all he saw.

Moving on to more recently created folders, his eye were rewarded with the sight of Guren in a suit (not like he didn't see him wearing formal clothing for work, but there was always nice to look at Guren in a suit), and a few dozen photos later, when the wedding was already in the party mode, Guren dancing with some girl (this one stung him a little), actually looking like he was having a good time (which surprised him), and then the cherry on top – tipsy Guren doing all kinds of funny stuff with other drunk boys and younger men, all of them probably related to each other in some way. Most of it was really cringey, but funny nevertheless.

In the next ten minutes Shinya went through all of the photos in the Family photos folder. Guren wasn't always present on the photos, so he skipped about half of them. Then he was back in the main Photos folder, because he remembered that Family photos wasn't the only folder in there.

Phone camera. Apparently Guren was one of those people who stored their phone's photos on their computer. Shinya double clicked the folder. The sub-folders were only numbered this time and there weren't that many of them. Shinya randomly clicked on one between the end and the middle. It was full of random photos of landscape (the most of it being city landscape), some documents, probably from work, a few selfies here and there (Shinya carefully examined all of them), and a photo of Guren with a little black cat. Shinya remembered this photo – it was him who took it. He always thought Guren deleted it.

When he was done with this folder, he moved on to another one, again randomly selecting it, this time the one second to last. He wasn't ready for the sight in front of him. It also contained a few landscape photos and a few selfies, but then ... shirtless?! Guren had shirtless photos of himself?!

Shinya's eyes almost fell out of their sockets as he looked at the photos again, this time more closely. He felt his cheeks warm up. This was definitely a surprise and all, but when you forgot about that and just focused on the photos ... damn, his boyfriend was so hot.

"Hey Shinya, is Wi-Fi back?" without any warning, the door to the study room opened and Guren casually walked into the room, making Shinya jump in the office chair.

"Erm, what, Wi-Fi? Yes, Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi," he stammered, trying to calm himself down and hide the blush. He managed to check if the Wi-Fi was working. "Yeah, it's back."

He finally got a hold of himself enough to look Guren in the eyes.

"Okay," said Guren and turned around, ready to walk out. He was apparently busy with something.

"Wait!" called Shinya, contemplating whether he should tease him with telling him what he saw, or keep it to himself. Then he reminded himself that that was never really the question – of course he would tease Guren.

"I never knew you were the type of a guy who takes shirtless pics," Shinya said casually, giggling a little at the end.

"W-what do you mean?" Guren blushed furiously, trying to act innocent. It turned out that telling him really was the best option.

"Oh, you know, I took a little peak at the photos you have on your computer," Shinya replied, still smiling.

"You!" Shinya was sure Guren would snatch his laptop from the desk and away from Shinya if it wasn't plugged into electricity. "You bastard! You piece of Hiragi crap! You–" the insults kept flying off of Guren's tongue, but Shinya didn't take any of them seriously.

He just giggled again and stood up, levelling his eyes with Guren's. His innocent smile suddenly turned into a devilish smirk. He grabbed Guren's chin, forcing him to stop talking and look at him.

"I can't believe I let you kiss me with that dirty mouth of yours," he said quietly, looking Guren straight in the eyes. Guren somehow blushed even more. "Now that Wi-Fi's back, I have some stuff left to finish, but after that, I guess you can show me some of those poses you did on those photos. Okay?"

Guren only managed to nod.

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