Personal assistant (part 1)

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Warnings: thinking about smut, some language

Dom/Sub: seme!Guren x uke!Shinya

Word count: 1828

A/N: This part is kinda boring, but hey, there will be smut in the next one ^^ Also, you know how I was writing about catching Mr. Mime in the previous one shot.. Well, a few days ago I actually caught it o.o (sadly, it wasn't on Shinya's face..). +thank you so much for reading (1k views, yay! *-*)

Writing prompts:

Imagine your OTP working together. Person A is the boss/manager and is very rich and successful and Person B is their personal assistant who also happens to have a huge crush on Person A. They are so used to being together at the workplace that they often hang out outside of work, go to public events, even to each other's houses.


Imagine everyone has the belief that Person A is innocent, conservative, and pure and always tries their best to not make inappropriate sexual jokes around them for fear of making them uncomfortable. But in reality they are mistaken as Person A secretly daydreams about getting pounded by B and tons of other dirty thoughts.


Shinya always thought that secretaries had an easy job, so he didn't really complain when he ended up being one. He wasn't exactly wrong about it either - his days as a secretary at the company were pretty relaxed and carefree, usually including only simple paperwork and picking up the phone. That was until the CEO decided to promote him to his personal assistant. Now Shinya had to deal with managing his boss' schedule, arranging formal dinners, attending friendly matches of golf on Saturdays, getting custom tailored suits from the tailor, and just being his servant on his bad days. It was far more stressful than before and his boss usually acted as this sadistic asshole, which made things even worse, and sometimes Shinya caught himself thinking just why the hell he didn't quit. However, it wasn't twice as high payment that was keeping him from quitting. It was because somewhere along the way, Shinya fell for this smoking hot and sometimes really annoying workaholic that was Guren Ichinose, the CEO and his boss.

Shinya's work finished earlier today, or at least that was how it looked like. He was indeed going home earlier, but only to get himself ready for a dinner with some other important business people, to which he had to accompany Guren.

He walked into an empty elevator and pressed the button for ground floor. Elevator door started to close, but in the very last moment, someone pushed his leg between the closing doors, shouting to please stop the elevator, because they are going in too. Shinya slammed onto the button that opened the elevator doors, partly because it was a nice thing to do and partly because he really didn't want to see someone's leg get cut off.

"Thank you!" Norito Goshi entered the elevator, followed by a group of other important people from the company. "Well well, if it isn't Shinya Hiragi."

"Mr. Goshi," Shinya nodded politely as he greeted him and the group.

"Going home early, huh?" Norito asked and chuckled.

"Actually, Mr. Ichinose has a dinner with some business partners later, so my work for the day isn't over yet," Shinya replied, hoping that the ride will be over soon, but the elevator kept stopping at different floors.

"Oh, I've heard of this dinner!" Norito's face lit up. "Man, I'm actually really disappointed that I can't go too. I've heard that important folks will bring their female personal assistants and some of them are apparently really hot."

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