Playing pool cliché

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Warnings: none

Dom/Sub: seme!Guren x uke!Shinya

Word count: 2434

A/N: This week school started for me as well -.- *cries in a corner* But this won't affect this story, becuase I'll still update once a week (still on Sundays) so don't worry. Also, chapter 49 is out and apparently there are feels O﹏o


Shinya finally decides to play some pool with Guren.


"Oh, good, it's almost empty," Shinya sighed in relief as he looked around a large, dimly lit room. There were only two spots of light, both above two green tables. One was near the entrance and was already occupied by two middle-aged and professional looking men, while the other one was at the far back of the room, waiting for Guren and him.

Shinya wasn't exactly thrilled about the idea of people watching him when he tries to play pool for the first time. Even though his boyfriend guaranteed him that other players will focus on their games and not watch him as he, in Shinya's own words, embarrasses himself, it still took Shinya quite a lot of time to agree to go play pool with Guren. Well, there was that and there was also the fact that Shinya got more nervous with Guren around. But then again, he kind of wanted to see Guren play pool since he bragged about how good he is at it a few times now.

Feeling relieved, Shinya headed straight for their pool table, carrying the set of balls (that were heavier than he expected) and the triangular rack. Guren took a little detour as he went to pick out the cue sticks. When he finally reached the table, Shinya was already arranging the balls into the triangle - he knew at least that much about pool. Guren handed him one of the cue sticks.

"Do you see its tip? It has to look like this, and not like a mushroom or no tip at all," Guren told him, holding up his cue stick, so Shinya could see what he was talking about.

Shinya nodded and Guren moved closer to the table, picking up a cube of blue chalk.

"You know how to do this, right?" Guren asked as he carefully applied the chalk onto the stick's tip. "You don't just push the stick into it and spin it around. You do it like this. And don't touch the chalk, because your hands will get blue."

"Yeah, yeah, I understand, sensei," Shinya rolled his eyes as Guren handed him the chalk.

Guren just looked at him with half closed eyes and a small smirk, like he was thinking about something, but he didn't say anything. He left Shinya to chalk his cue stick alone and turned towards the table. He put the cue ball on a dot and removed the triangle.

"Wanna go first?" he asked Shinya, when they were both done with the preparations.

"Umm... well... I don't know. The first shot looks kind of hard," Shinya muttered, feeling a bit nervous again. He quickly glanced at the other pool table, but the two men were completely engrossed in their own game.

"Okay, I'll do the breaking then," Guren said casually and walked to side of the table where the cue ball was. He gracefully leaned over the table, putting the cue stick and his left hand onto the table. His fingers wrapped around the stick, navigating, pointing it towards the cue ball. He moved his right hand back and forth a little and with it the cue stick glided though his fingers, almost touching the cue ball, but then it was quickly pulled back again. And then he finally hit it. Hard. The cue ball shot forward and hit the triangle. There were a lot of loud clicking sounds and the balls scattered around the table, two of them - both striped - flying right into the pockets.

Guren x Shinya one shots | AU GureShin [ONS]Where stories live. Discover now