Saving my Daughter

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"Tony, Thor you two search the sky, Bruce, widow and Hawkeye and I will search the ground... let go!" Cap said, "What about me?" Noki asked. "Brother you stay here, and scan the area and try to find a trace of Serena." Thor said racing down to the ground. "Okay...." Noki used the computers and found their location.

Serena's POV

"Daddy hurry up." I whispered in pain. Her kidnapper was upstairs, preparing something. Then I saw a glowing pink light. I pulled it from my pocket, It was a tracking device, from Stark industries!!!! "For once, I'm glad my daddy is over protective!" I whispered excitedly.

"Kid wake up!!" I heard a dark voice shout. I rose up, trying to not scream from all the pain. "What?" I said softly. "We got visitors, come on." He dragged me to a platinum cage, and locked me in with a blood scan. I think only his blood will open the cage. A few minutes later I see shining metal, red and yellow to be exact. "Daddy?" I winced. "Serena?" The metal body I saw in daddy's room was moving, and had blood all over it. The mask came off, But my vision started get more blurry and darker. "Serena!" Was the last thing I heard.

Tony's POV

"Serena!" She was out cold. To much blood loss I'm guessing. I looked at the blood scanner. "He might be adopted, but he's still a Stark." I used the blood on my face and put it on the scanner. It worked! But he could come back. I grabbed Serena put my mask on And told the others "I got Serena!" I flew to the skies, and landed right outside the Hospital. I took off my mask again, "Her name is Serena Rose Stark, she is not adopted, age: 4, badly damaged, Needs to ER right now!" I said quickly. "Doctor Robinson! It's Mr.Stark!" The nurse called in her walk i.e, "Thank you."

To Weird to Live, To Rare to Die (Book 1) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now