Forgive your foes, Tony Stark did it anyway.

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"Daddy are you okay?" I asked my dad while he stormed off. Okay. That's the first. I turned around and saw Uncle Cap. He walked out the door. Uncle Cap and Daddy were mad at each other, I can fix that. I think.

Two hours passed when someone knocked on the door. No one was around so I answered it. I opened the door to a man. He looked like Uncle Cap but had brown long hair and a metal arm. "Well hello, I'm Bucky. Do your parents know your here?" Bucky asked. "Yeah they know, Are you a reporter, My daddy said "Tony Stark ain't answering your questions." So yeah" Bucky became surprised. "Wait, You're Tony's daughter? Your so, Nice." Huh, This guy is really cool. I wonder if he knows Uncle Cap. "Do you know Uncle Cap? You two would get along really well. You can come in if you want." "Thanks kid."

Bucky's POV

I walked inside, The little girl sat on the couch, I sat beside her. "Why do you have a metal arm? Are you a superhero too?" The little girl asked. "Um, Well someone but this on me and made me into a villain, I didn't want to though. Then your Uncle Cap helped me and now I'm a good guy" She looked at me amazed. I have never seen a little girl happy before, it felt pleasing. "Can I put magnets on your arm? Oh, and my name is Serena Rose Amore Stark, I'm four."She smiled. "Yeah sure. Serena is pretty name." She ran to the fridge to pick out all kinds of magnets. She ran back her arms full of, Tony Stark and Iron man magnets, Not surprising. She put the magnets on my arm one by one. "Jarvis where is Serena?" I heard a women shout. "Living room Mrs Natasha." A robotic voice said.

Oh no, They can't see me. But Serena will just tell them about me, 4 year olds. "Hey Serena, Who is he?" Widow said, She looked at me. I knew she said that because Serena was around, She knew me very well. "Hi Auntie Nutella! He's Bucky he has a metal arm and he knows Uncle Cap!" She walked over to me. "Serena why don't you find your Uncle Cap?" She skipped away. "Why are you here, Tony is going to Flip out if he sees you." "Steve called me, No one told me about her." I looked over at Serena. "Jarvis where is Uncle Cap?" She said. "Hey, I though you got frozen, Steve always changes the subject when we ask about you. What were you two thinking?" "Steve was the one who wanted me to come here, Now I don't know what is going on. Steve is the master mind behind this whole thing." I said.

Tony's POV

I can't trust that guy, Spell or not it was still him. He killed my parents! How can I trust a parent killer?! Wait, Serena is upstairs, ALONE. I ran upstairs to find Serena, Natasha, and Bucky living room. "What are you doing here." "Steve, Steve called me." All I want to do is rip that man bit by bit.

2 hour passed before Captain Lier pants came back, and had a talk with the 2 of us. "Okay first, I'm sorry both of you, Second I have to explain." I rolled my eyes. What does he need to "explain"? Last time I saw that metal man, War was between me and Cap. Cap and I were the best of friends before "I'm so sorry a man put a spell on me to do it" butted in 😒😒😒😒😒. "Gentleman I have some bad news, Serena has left the tower with no adult, Not even a the man from before."  Serena has left the tower, tower, tower. Those words ringed though my body and into my heart 💗💔😣. Tony Stark, Genius, Playboy, inventor, Iron man, Billionaire.... Father.
"Bucky, If you help me find my most valuable thing in the galaxy, I will forgive you. Let's go."

To Weird to Live, To Rare to Die (Book 1) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now