Chapter Two

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A few days passed and I was best friends with Neville and Xael. I sat at the Gryffindor table for lunch and the Ravenclaw table for breakfast.

It was lunch so Xael and I were sitting with Neville.

"So, today's the first day ." Said Neville

"Ok." I said

"We're doing Bogarts." Said Xael

We walked to class and got in line to face the Bogart. I was terrified, Neville's turned to Snape it was now my turn. The Bogart started to turn, before me I saw Fleur and Bella dead. I burst into tears, but managed to choke out the spell

"Ridiculous!" I yelled and my sisters jumped up as though it was just a cruel prank. I walked over to Neville and Xael, we talked for a while and eventually left for potions. I was paired with Xael and Neville with one if my Slytherin friends Oliver.

"Today you will be making a fairly simple potion, we will let it sit until next school year seeing as it is the last week." Said Snape in monotone

Xael and I completed the potion and before we knew it, we were saying goodbye.

The next class I had was divination. I sat with Neville, apparently we would see our future today. Trelawny finished with Ron and Harry and called Neville and I over.

"My dears, your futures are intertwined! Let us go forward in time, let us see what is in store for you!" She said

She had us look at her crystal ball, the smoke swirled red and green and cleared on an image.


I stood up, I was provably in my twenties, on my finger was a diamond ring, I turned the corner in the house and walked into the yard, Harry and Ginny were there along with all of the other weasleys. I pick up a little boy and go sit with Neville, after bending down to kiss him. Ginny turned to us

"We'll watch Teddy for you guys, please consider going out and having fun!" She said

"Yeah, you've been married for five years, now you're 25! Live a little!" Said George

"Fine, one day." I said


I looked at Neville who had turned a rather unpleasant shade of red. I felt myself blushing and my hair turned a pastel pink shade. After class, I walked over to Hermione.

"What's wrong Chloe?" She asked concerned

"All of my classes have been a disaster!" I said, tears streaming down my face

"What classes have you had so far?" She asked calmly

"Defense against the dark arts, potions and divination." I answered

"It's OK, those are the worst, here let's go back to my dorm. " she said

We walked into the Gryffindor common room and sat on the floor, shortly after Neville walked in and saw me, I was sitting on the floor, covered in tears. He hugged me and said everything would be OK. Later that week, I went to the owlery to mail a letter to Bella.

Bonjour Bella!

I miss you so incredibly much! Everything's going ok here, the first day was a disaster, I found out in Divination that I was going to marry one of my best friends Neville.  Lovely thing to learn on your first day.  That professor is barking mad, seriously, I am so not taking her class again.  Tell Fleur and Gabrielle I said hi, I'm sorry this is such a short letter but I haven't had much happen yet.



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