Chapter Ten

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A/N: OMG sorry I haven't updated in like forever!! Tons of new stuff...

I woke up early and walked to the kitchen and grabbed myself a croissant, our house elves made a batch everyday, topped with cinnamon sugar. I sat outside by the pool, swirling my feet around in the cool morning water. Neville came out soon, followed by Bella, Seamus, Fleur, and Fleur's new boyfriend Bill Weasley. Fleur took everyone's plates and I ran inside to change into my bathing suit. I walked outside to see Seamus and Bella sitting, as I had been earlier, feet in the water, Bella's head on Seamus' shoulder. I took a quick picture and sneaking up behind them pushed them in. The glares I got, from Seamus and Bella, could kill. Using magic, I splashed Seamus in the face causing him to jump out of the water, very red in the face, his pyjamas dripping, he picked me up and threw me into the water. They went inside and changed and joined me in the water, the sun was out now and the day was great, Fleur made lemonade and as she brought it out, spoke.

"I've decided to throw a party." She said

"A what?" Bella asked trying in vain to get the water out of her ears

"A P-A-R-T-Y" She spelled

"Good to know you can spell." I said sarcastically "Why are we throwing said party?"

"As a way for Bella to meet some of her future peers AND for your birthdays." She responded

"Sounds Great!" Said Bella enthusiastically

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Why is it always me holding up a side alone?" I asked

"I don't know, maybe because your stubborn?" Suggested Bella

QUICK A/N: I know, worst time, but just as an afterthought, Chloe and Bella don't have French accents, they have American accents, before Beauxbatons, they went to The Salem Witches Institute for two years (That's an American magic school) and they liked American accents so much they kept them.  Sorry for the interruption!

"Well, when is this party?" I asked

"Friday." Said Fleur

"It's Tuesday." I said annoyed

"Good to know Sherlock!" Said Bella 

"I'll sent invites." Said Fleur "Chlo (Fleur's nickname for Chloe, Bella's nickname is Bells) can you give me a list of names, I can find addresses." 

"Sure." I said writing names on a piece of paper Fleur had:


Blaise Zabini

Oliver Greenbury

Xael Deveraux

Draco Malfoy

Pansy Parkinson

Astoria Greengrass

Theodore Nott

Cho Chang

Luna Lovegood

Ron Weasley

Fred and George Weasley

Ginny Weasley

Harry Potter

Hermione Granger

Dean Thomas

Lavender Brown

Pavarti and Padma Patil


Abella Petit

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