*Dedicated to @ChristainFoxyMC , thanks for liking this story*

Annabeth didn't understand how the Romans did it. At Camp Half-Blood, council meetings were short and sweet. You sat down, you were usually told some life changing news, a couple of campers would get in a fight ending up with one of them storming out, and then you were done. There was no long debate, no official way it had to be conducted, it certainly was nothing like the Roman senate meetings.

See, Annabeth usually wouldn't bother to attend the regular meetings, but considering they had finally elected to discuss Percy's escape from the prison. She figured it would be nice if she attended. For moral support, if nothing else.

Annabeth looked over at Percy now, he was a little pale, and still used the celestial bronze cane Harley had made for him to get around. Annabeth was honestly opposed to him attending the meeting but he refused to stay in hospital a minute longer. The original one day of bed rest had ballooned into three days which had ballooned into five and suddenly he had been in there all week. She understood he was stir crazy, but she still didn't want him getting out of bed.

Currently, he was doodling on the agenda sheet, which was in Latin. Annabeth had no idea how he managed to read it, she suspected he had no idea what it said. He looked up and caught her eye.

Are you okay? She mouthed, careful not to interrupt the very important topic of weapons storage, he simply smiled. Suddenly, and seemingly out of no where, his gaze shot to something behind him. She couldn't see what was happening but, drawing very little attention to himself, he got up and left the room.

Annabeth had no choice but to follow.

He had no idea why the hazel-eyed girl wanted to talk to him, but seeing as she was one of the people who had carried his unconscious body, and heavy no doubt, body to safety. He figured he owed her the favor of a quick chat.

Funny thing was, when he left the senate hall, she was nowhere to be found. Percy looked around wildly before starting to walk down the hallway and being interrupted by a harsh voice.

"Are you blind or something?" Pivoting wildly Percy saw that the girl, in fact, had been leaning on the wall just outside the doorway; he had missed her in his haste.

"No," Percy frowned, embarrassed by his mistake, "just tired I guess."

"Mmhmm," the girl pursed her lips, clearly unimpressed. Looking at her closely know Percy noticed a few thugs about her. Her hair, which he had originally compared to the color of black coffee, was more similar to that of dark chocolate upon closer inspection. And she was young, 14 at the oldest. He could count three stripes under the tattoo on her forearm, just below a darkly inked Caduceus.

"You're a daughter of Hermes." He noted.

"What?" She sounded confused, then promptly noted the tattoo on her forearm. "Mercury actually, and a Centurion too, third cohort. I've been one for a year and six months, so i was there when you became Romes shortest -elected praetor."

"You're a centurion," confusion filled Percy's voice, "but shouldn't you be in the senate meeting if your a centurion."

The color drained from her face as embarrassment laced her eyes, "I was suspended."

"For rescuing me?"

She shook her head,"for leaving without permission. You think me and Cecil were authorized to be there that day."

"Cecil," Percy could suddenly recall the young son of Hermes face, "but if you weren't there for me, why were you?"

Looking at the ground, the girl quickly changed the subject, "My names Andromeda you know, when they ask you to speak in the senate make sure to note the bravery of Andromeda Pink."

"No hold on a second," frustrated, Percy gripped her arm, "I've here been too long to be denied answers; who were you and Cecil spying on when you found me. And while we're on the topic, if you knew where we were being kept why didn't you just rescue us and be done with it."

Andromeda stopped, Percy could see tears filling her eyes and immediately felt bad. Who was he to be harassing this young girl. He was about to apologize when she spoke.

"You can't leave the mindstate without having your memories wiped," Percy tried to ask what the mindstate was when she interrupted her, "we were spying on Lou Ellen, she's in the mindstate so we can't rescue her but Cecil's so worried he sneaks out to see her. And before you ask if we tried just waking them up we did. We tried waking them up but he didn't remember anything."

"Who's he," Percy let Andromeda go and she looked up, wiping the tears away from her eyes.

"Daniel Lucas, you should meet him. I don't why you haven't. He's a son of Tyche. His older sister was there when they found Gaea's institute so she pulled him out ASAP, he couldn't remember a thing. Not even his own name."

Percy wistfully looked at the door to the senate hall, "how long will it take them to get the the seventh item on the agenda."

"Seventh?" Andromeda smiled, "hours, you have time."

Percy nodded, "then take me to him, take me to meet Daniel Lucas,"

Taking his hand, Andromeda led him away from the senate room, "of course,"

And off they went.
************************************Guys, it happened again. I wanted to put so much more in this chapter but then I looked down it it was like, "950 words?" Better not.
What would you guys prefer, more frequent updates or longer chapters cause you can't have both and I'm honestly not sure. But I did get to introduce the first OC I created for this story and kinda get into the second one. As of now Andromeda and Daniel are the only ones planned for this story but there might be more cause honestly I believe original characters are just as important to a Fanfiction as reoccurring ones.
So yeah, the next update should be soon due to the fact that I pretty much already know exactly what I want to do with it. It you've been really faithful to this story but haven't gotten a dedication yet rest easy because I'm trying to get everyone in their while still only doing like one per chapter. I might have to do more if you guys keep liking it!!!
Love you all,

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