Someone Help Me ch1

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My annoying alarm clock goes off loudly, repeatedly. I reach for it across my bed and throw it across the room. It crashes against my door, making a terribly loud noise. I most likely broke it. I couldn't care less though. I hear my mom's loud footsteps trailing to my bed room.

"Fuck" I mutter to myself.

I jump out of bed and lock the door. I hate when she comes into my room. It either results in her looking through all of my shit or beating the crap out of me. I don't really feel like starting the day off either of those ways. I mean I never do, but I can't really stop it.

I hear the door handle jiggle.

I run back into my bed and throw the blankets over my bed. I'm scared shitless of my mother, I don't want her near me.


I hear her walk down the stairs and grab my keys off the rack, so I can't drive my car. Fuck you, mom. Now, I have to actually be on time and get ready. I'll just hide my keys in my room next time so I can do whatever the hell I want.

"Have fun at school." She yells. "Oh and it's 6:15, don't miss the bus, baby!"

She's so obnoxious and rude.

I can see the smirk forming on her face. I fucking hate her. If only she knew what school was really like for me. Actually, she probably wouldn't care.

I really hate school. It's literally hell for me, it's worse than home. I get terrible grades, I have no friends, and I get bullied. Through my four years of high school, I'm a senior now, I have gotten bullied. I don't know why they can't go pick on a damn freshman every year. Why does everyone always have to go for me? What did I ever do to them?

I've developed depression in sophomore year. Since all I heard everyday was disgusting names from everyone about me, I started to believe them. I have 0% self confidence and think I'm useless. I'm surprised I'm alive. The only thing keeping me alive is music.

I don't really know why. All I can say is it makes me feel so much better.

I've ways wanted to be someone important, like a singer or performer.

But let's be realistic.

I'm the girl who will never amount to anything.

I'm the girl who's worth nothing.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing. I looked at it and it was 6:28, my bus comes at 6:34. I jump out of my bed and throw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I put my hair up and don't use any makeup. I go to my bathroom and brush my teeth and mouthwash. With my phone in my pocket, I slide on my slippers, grab my bag and binders and rush out the door.

I quickly check my phone. 6:33am. I race down to my bus stop and the bus is passing as I get own there. I would just go back inside but my mom would have a bitch fit if I missed school. I don't want to deal with that. So I shout loudly for my to stop and, surprisingly, it does. But, all the kids are looking at me, laughing, and pointing their fingers. I ignore the stares and laughter as I climb up the stairs onto the bus. On the last step, I drop my binders.

"DUMBASS!" Some boy shouts at me.

I ignore it, picking up my binders.

"YOU'RE SO SLOW, RETARD" some other kid shouts.

The bus fills with laughter.

I glance at my bus driver for help and she just rolls her eyes at me and taps her fingers on the steering wheel, waiting, impatiently.

I feel tears forming in my eyes but I push them back so I don't get any more harassment. I scan the bus quickly for an empty seat, thankfully finding one, and walk towards it. Before I can sit down the bus takes off, causing my body to fall down into the seat and my head slamming against the back.

I moan louder than expected. Everyone looks at me and starts whispering to each other. I roll my eyes and put my earphones in my head, turning my music all the way up.

I wish I could get better, I do.

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