Chapter 6: The visitor

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It was in September of the second year that I heard commotion outside the building that did not sound like the ushering of a teenager or a child. The noises were quiet, a lot of organized, focused footsteps. With my augmented hearing, I could hear their muffled steps through the congrete. Was Martin expecting visitors? I highly doubted it for he was too far of a cautious man that I figured if he ever wanted to have company, he would just go outside and go into town, or, as I frowned in disgust, he would just come downstairs and have his way with me. That was usually enough socializing in his books.

No, someone was trespassing in Martin's property and by the sound of it (or lack of it), they were going as quietly as possible. I really had to strain my ears to catch their sounds but it was difficult. Those guys knew how to be silent, or as silent as one can be in the middle of nowhere, where there is virtually no noise pollution (except for the sounds of birds in the trees, or at least I guessed there were trees around). Were those men aware of Martin's animalistic sense of hearing? They must have, for they had gone completely silent, like a lion that stalks its prey hidden within the tall grass. I had my face pressed against the metal door, it allowed me to hear somewhat better than the congrete walls, while my eyes were focused on a spot up on the ceiling. I stood there, waiting, unaware that my undead heart was beating faster than normal.

What was happening?

Then came the roar, issuing deep from Martin's throat. It was so massive and loud that the soundwaves reverbrated through the metal door and hurt my sensitive ears. I yelped in pain but forced myself back to the door, listening intently. I heard gunfire and a lot of scuffling of feet, people shouting orders to each other and Martin's continued bellows of rage. Lots of stuff being broken, Martin must be picking up furniture and the likes and throwing them at the intruders. Then it was silent again. I could barely detect the men talking softly amongst each other. Then I heard something stomping the floor above me, one at a time systematically that made me jump with fright.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

5 times, I counted and then silence again. Each of those thumps brought uninviting dread surging through me. Something awful must have happened. More muffled sounds of voices, this time footsteps approaching the stairs. Panicking, I shuffled backwards from the door and sat down on the bed. Should I look upset, maybe even imploring? I wasn't sure if the intruders would be my saviors or just run-of-the-mill, plain old burglars that would just kill me in order to get rid of witnesses. I snorted out loud at the thought of the latter; If that were real, I would just tear them apart.

I decided it would be better for me to try to look as innocent as possible, but I figured that would be hard since I had a permanent „resting bitch face". The voices were getting louder, becoming more closer to the door. I flinched as someone behind the door jerked on the handle but stopped once he or she realized that it was locked. Someone else yelled for a key and I heard other footsteps from upstairs coming trotting down the stairs, keys jingling with each step.

My body instinctively tensed up, although I had become accustomed to the oncoming dread and anxiety every time I heard Martin's keys jingle, my body wasn't. Now all it wanted was to curl up in the fetal position in the furthest corner of the room, but I willed myself to stay put, pushed the dread to the inner most part of my mind and worked harder on my game face. I clenched my fists, all the muscles in my body were strung to the highest intensity; ready to pounce if necessary. The one with the keys scrambled with them for a moment before inserting one of them into the lock. A loud click and within seconds, people were bursting into the room, carrying firearms, all pointing frantically in every direction. I knew they had guns from all the gunfire upstairs but seeing them up close drained the last color from my already pale face.

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