Chapter 6

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Lyric's pov (a week later)

"So is this your girlfriend Ashton?" a boy with an eyebrow piercing asks.

"Michael, I told you guys. She's not my girlfriend," Ashton protests. I laugh.

"Sure. I'm Calum. This is Luke and Michael. It's nice to meet you," he dark haired boy says, smiling at me.

"It's nice to meet you guys too. Ashton's been reluctant to let me meet you three. He thinks you're going to scare me off," I tell them. The boys laugh.

"The only reason I finally agreed was because Lyric kept bugging me," Ashton states, a smile on his face.

"Wait a second. Your name is Lyric? Like, your actual name?" Luke questions, his eyes wide. I nod, getting a little shy.

"That's so cool!" He exclaims.

My smile widens, "Thank you. Most people just call me a weirdo and walk away a once they learn my name."

"That's messed up," Michael says. I shrug, not reflecting on it.

"So do you guys want to play?" Calum questions, holding up a soccer ball.

"Sure," Ashton says. Me, Luke, and Michael nod.

"Do you know how to play?" Michael asks as we walk over to an open field.

I laugh, "Oh please. My dad loves his stupid soccer teams more than me. Of course I know how to play. I grew up watching soccer every single night."

"Football. We're in Australia," Luke reminds me.

I roll my eyes, "That may be so, but I'm American. Therefore, I can call it soccer."

"Either way, we're going to kick your ass," Michael calls. Apparently it was Ashton, Michael, and Luke against me and Calum.


"Good game boys," I chirp, grabbing a water bottle from the refrigerator. I pass one to each boy.

"We kicked your guys' asses!" Calum laughs. I giggle.

"The sun was in our eyes," Ashton whines.

"Sure it was," I reply. He pouts. I open my mouth to say something else, but get cut off by my phone buzzing in my back pocket. I grab it and glance at the screen. I wince and deny the call. Then I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Who was it?" Michael questions.

"No one," I lie, looking at my lap. The boys drop it.

"So how did you two even become friends?" Calum asks, tilting his head to the side.

"I was in my bedroom, cleaning, and singing along to Love is an Open Door from Frozen when I heard him singing Hans' parts from outside my window. The next morning him, Harry, Lauren, and Anne Marie were downstairs talking to my mom," I summarize, "in other words, Ashton was being a creep outside my window, then came over to my house."

"I was not being a creep. I was just helping someone sing a duet properly!" Ashton defends, laughing. I join in. The other three watch us, amused.

"So which one of you shares an apartment with Ashton?" I question.

"Me," Calum replies.

"How do you know that they share an apartment?" Luke asks me.

"Ash told me. LA right?" I double check. All four of them nod.

"Do you guys only see each other when Calum and Ashton come back to Australia to visit then?" I inquire. Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton give me a confused look.

"We see each other all of the time," Michael tells me.

"So you two have an apartment in LA too?" I ask. Luke and Michael nod.

"Yeah, but we're also in a b-" My phone cuts Calum off. I groan and pull it out of my pocket. I reluctantly answer the phone call from my mom.

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