Chapter 21

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Lyric's pov

"Come on, Lyric. Talk to us!" Ashton whines, poking my side. I sit there, not moving or saying anything. I was too scared to.

I had been almost completely silent ever seen Ashton asked me if everything was okay at the restaurant earlier. I only talked when his mum, Lauren, or Harry talked to me. Even then it was short, mumbled responses. I was scared that I might accidently let something about Eric slip.

He was an ass. Back when we were still in high school, my mom set us up on a date. I didn't want to disappoint her, so I agreed. Right from the start, Eric was threatening me. And insulting me. He lowered my self-esteem so much, I got to a really low point. If I even mentioned saying anything about his harassment to anyone, he'd hit me. When I moved to Australia, we finally got to break up. I thought I was finally free from him. Apparently not.

"Guys, I'm worried about her. Lyric is never this quiet unless there's something wrong," Ash states, frowning. He wasn't staring at me anymore. He was looking over at the boys.

"Well what did you do to her? She was fine when you two left this morning," Luke says.

"Nothing. She said she was okay, but she was quiet throughout lunch. I didn't even notice until after she and Eric got back to the table," my best friend tells them. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Boys were so oblivious.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Michael wrinkle his nose at the mention of Eric. Another person that doesn't like him. Shocker.

"I'm going to bed," I finally mumble, tired of the boys talking about me.

"Okay. Goodnight," Calum says uneasily. The four of them watch as I walk upstairs.


"What did Eric do to you?" Michael asks softly from my doorway. I whip my head around, startled.

"Nothing," I blurt out way too quickly.

"Stop lying and tell me the truth," he replies, crossing his arms over my chest.

"Nothing Michael," I lie some more, trying to put on a confident face.

"Lyric, you're voice is higher. It always gets higher when you lie," he points out. I sigh and push my glasses up.

"Michael, I need you to just trust me on this one," I say softly, turning my gaze to the floor.

"Please Lyric. I can't help you if you're going to be stubborn and not tell me," he pleads. I don't move or say anything. After a few minutes I hear him sigh in defeat.

"I'm here if you want to tell me. I really want you to tell me, but I won't pressure you. Goodnight Lyric," Michsel says softly, hugging me. I nod and hug him back, enjoying the embrace.

"Good night Michael," I whisper.

"Good night, Lyric," Michael replies, briefly pressing his lips to my forehead. He gives me one last smile, then turns and leave my room, shutting the door behind him. That's when I break down sobbing in my bed.

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