Chapter 21 - Say What?

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A/N: hello again! This chapter is a doozy, for sure. There's some action, some smart remarks, some sarcastic stormtroopers, and some scary stuff about Vader. I won't ramble this time, I promise. So, without further ado, here ya go!!!

"What?!" yelled Luke and Han. The pilot pushed his way past Leia to get a better look. He was no fan of Imperials, and they were no fan of him.

Leia's statement was proven true when, a few buildings away, four stormtroopers marched by in perfect unison. Their glistening, white armor made them stand out like a splotch of paint on a blank canvas. It was impossible to miss them, and no one did. Pretty much everyone in the village turned their heads to gawk at the troopers.

And as you may know, Imperial stormtroopers don't just parade through a Tatooine sand village for no reason. Very rarely are they ever on Tatooine.

"What are stormtroopers doing in Mos Eisley?" Luke asked, his voice lacking any sort of concern. He sounded vaguely curious, but not at all panicked.

"They're after me!" Han and Leia synchronized. They got confused and stared at each other. Together, they asked, "They're after you?"

Han pulled Leia behind the corner again.

"Why in the galaxy would stormtroopers be looking for you?" Han demanded, pinning Leia in one place with his hand.

"Okay, first of all, move your hand or you lose your hand."

Han obeyed.

"Second, it's completely possible that my parents sent them after me! They might've gotten desperate enough! I mean, normally they would never—"

"It's the Empire, not the Child Protection Agency!"

"They'd make exceptions for royalty."

"How do you know? Has this happened before?"

"Not to me, but I've seen it on the HoloNet."

"So lemme get this straight. You think the Empire is looking for you, because apparently your parents told them to?"

"Yes!" Leia gestured for him to be quieter.

"You're hopeless."

"I know. Why do you think the Empire is looking for you?"

Han cocked an eyebrow as if to say, "Why do you think?"

Leia threw in a guess.

"Because you're banned from, like, four different systems?"

Han rolled his eyes.

"Close enough."

Luke poked his head around the corner.

"Guys," he said urgently, "this isn't the time for romance."

Leia looked like she could've killed him. In fact, she would've taken a flying leap at Luke if Han hadn't stopped her.

Luke took a few steps back but didn't seem too affected. He continued.

"The troopers are looking for something. They keep stopping and talking to different people. Now might be a good time to leave."

Leia heartily agreed.

"Sounds good," she said. "I'm almost positive that they're looking for me!"

"Princess, those chances are highly unlikely," Han said, rolling his eyes.

"However 'unlikely' it is," the princess responded, making air quotes, "I really should leave. And you guys are coming with me."

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